January 19, 2025 Bulletin Announcement
Note: Rick Peterson, one of our Missionaries and a partner in ministry Vahit will be at our church for a time of sharing and answering questions on Wednesday, January 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Come and hear about their endeavors.
Super Bowl Slider Fundraiser: The Jr High Fusion students are selling Super Bowl Sliders on February 1. Please find a student to sign up with, or there is a sign-up sheet on the coffee counter. Pickup will be from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, Feb.1. Students, please be at church at 8:00 a.m. to assemble them that morning. Parents, we would love your help to make this a success!

May 5, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
THANK YOU for your generous donations to the RCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano! A total of $1,775 was raised! The worship committee will choose a piano to purchase. Thanks again for your support!
Food Shelf: The Food Shelf is in need of the following items: Cereal, toilet paper, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables & fruits, soups, crackers, ketchup, peanut butter, hamburger helper, pancake mix & syrup.

April 26-27, 2024 Presbytery Summary
Summary of the 41st Stated Meeting of Rivers & Lakes Presbytery April 26-27, 2024 Aplington, IA
Moderator TE Ted Tromble opened our meeting with singing and prayer.
TE Doug Hull welcomed us to Aplington EPC.
Clerk’s Report: On behalf of the Coordinating Council, TE Annie Rose presented three proposed amendments to the RLP Bylaws, which will come to a vote in September. She also reminded all that General Assembly is June 18- 20 in Memphis. Session Clerks need to submit the online endorsement form for Ruling Elder Commissioners.

April 7, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Jr. High Fusion Taco Supper: On Wednesday, April 10, we will be having our Annual Jr. High Taco Supper from 5:30-7:00 pm. All are invited to join us for tacos and root beer floats. The money raised will go towards their RYM trip in August. Thank you for supporting our youth!
FRCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano
The First Reformed Church Women (FRCW) are having a fundraiser to purchase an electronic piano for the fellowship room. An electronic piano is lighter and more portable than an actual piano and does not need to be tuned. An electronic piano could be connected to the sound system, if needed, and could also be used in the sanctuary if three pianos are played together.

March 31, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Jr. High Fusion Taco Supper: On Wednesday, April 10, we will be having our Annual Jr. High Taco Supper from 5:30-7:00 pm. All are invited to join us for tacos and root beer floats. The money raised will go towards their RYM trip in August. Thank you for supporting our youth!

March 24 Bulletin Announcements
Maundy Thursday Brunch at First Reformed Church on Thursday, March 28 at 9:30 a.m. Coffee and muffins at 9:00 a.m. Guest speakers this year include SWC students and other church members who will share about their trip to En-Gedi Children’s Home in Kenya. The free-will offering will go to the En-Gedi Children’s Home which Margaret Njuguna founded. All women of the community are invited.

February 11, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Reminder: Please pick up your ham & cheese sliders after church this morning.
Note: Please keep Diane Westenberg and Kristin Groen in your prayers as they are in Africa at En Gedi in Kenya. Please pray for safe travels and blessings in their work at the orphanage. You can find updates about their trip on the ‘Updates’ section on our website or at efrc.me/engedi.

February 4, 2024 Bulletin Annoucements
Super Bowl Sliders: Mark your calendars. It’s that time again, Fusion (Jr. High) Youth Group will be selling Super Bowl Sliders! We will be making them on Friday, February 9. All Jr. High kids are encouraged to be there to help! Any parental help would also be appreciated. There is an order form on the Welcome Counter if you would like to order or talk to a Jr. High student. Pickup for the sliders will be on Friday, Feb 9 from 6:30-8pm or following the service on Sunday, February 11.
Note: Please keep Diane Westenberg and Kristin Groen in your prayers as they leave tomorrow for their trip to En Gedi in Kenya. Please pray for safe travels and blessings in their work at the orphanage.

January 26-27, 2024 Presbytery Meeting Summary
Moderator TE Ted Tromble opened our meeting with a reading from 1 Samuel 3:1-11 and invited commissioners to consider whether they would be willing to share their testimony of being called to ministry during the course of our meeting. We enjoyed several of these testimonies during our time together.
TE David Eikenberry and TE Chris Curtis welcomed us to First Pres of Waukegan and Hope EPC in Grayslake.

January 7, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Note: Pastor Mark will be leaving for Ethiopia on Thursday. In addition to teaching the seminarians, he will preach on the two Lord’s Days he is gone and present seminars with pastors in other cities on the topic of “Christ-Centered Preaching.” You can keep up with his updates during the trip on our church website under the “Updates” tab. You can also go directly to his posts by going to africa.markgroen.me in a web browser.

December 31, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
Looking for donations of Auction Items: Edge Youth is having a live auction January 10th to help raise funds for their summer trip to RYM Colorado! We are looking for items to be auctioned off. Do you have any home-made goods, handmade items, special trades you're known for, or new items that we can auction off? Talk to Mark or Diane Brockberg by January 3rd.
EDGE Youth Supper/Auction: Come Support Edge Youth on January 10th for a Pulled Pork Meal (free will donation) served from 5:00-6:30 p.m. Live donation auction starting at 6:30 p.m. Join in for fellowship & fun while supporting Edge Youth. Funds raised go towards their summer trip to Reformed Youth Ministries in Colorado.

December 24, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
Looking for donations of Auction Items: Edge Youth is having a live auction on January 10th to help raise funds for their summer trip to RYM Colorado! We are looking for items to be auctioned off. Do you have any home-made goods, handmade items, special trades you're known for, or new items that we can auction off? Talk to Mark or Diane Brockberg by January 3rd.

2024 Presbytery and General Assembly Schedule
Presbytery Meetings:
January 26-27, 2024 at First Presbyterian Church in Waukegan, IL
April 26-27, 2024 at Aplington Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Aplington, IA
September 27-27 at Hogarty Community Church in Aniwa, WI
General Assembly:
June 18-20 at Hope Church in Cordova, TN

December 10, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
Candlelight Service: We hope that you can join us for our Candlelight Service on Sunday, December 17 at 6:30 pm. Our Sunday School kids will also be performing their Christmas program during the service. They will be practicing for the program on Wednesday, Dec. 13, from 6:30-7:30 pm & on Sunday, Dec. 17, following the church service.
Angel Tree: Remember to bring in your items for the Angel Tree by Wednesday, December 13.

October 1, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
The RCW Fall Soup Supper will be this Wednesday, October 4, from 5-7 p.m. Please check the sign-up sheet by the welcome desk and see what’s still needed (please use new soup recipes)! Men, your help would be appreciated! If you’re bringing soup before noon Wednesday, please put it in the fridge. If after noon, please bring soup warm. Please have soups and desserts at church by 4 p.m. Thank you!
Prayer Chain: Introducing our updated Text Message Prayer Chain! Stay connected with our faith community through prayer requests and updates. Text EFRCPRAYER to 84576 to subscribe and be a part of this powerful network of prayer. If you have a prayer request to add to the Prayer Chain, you can text or call 507-369-6275. We suggest putting this number in your contacts so you have it when you need it! Prayer items will only be added to the Prayer Chain by request from the person themselves or a close family member. If you are unable to receive text messages, please let Caty Arp know, and we will put together a traditional prayer chain via phone calls with those who are unable to receive text messages.

September 17, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
Join Us today at 6:30 pm. at the Softball Field for a slow-pitch softball game against Edge Youth! Concessions will be available (popcorn, pickles, drinks, and bars). Everyone is encouraged to come watch.
Presbytery: Please keep Pastor Mark and the Elders in your prayers as they attend the Rivers and Lakes Presbytery meeting of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church at Riverside Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Sartell, MN on Friday & Saturday. This is the final step of our congregation’s reception into the EPC.

April 23, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
Thank you to the RCWM for your generous donation from the Maundy Thursday Brunch to Emily’s Hope. Your support allows us to further our mission! We have helped more than 300 adults with treatment scholarships at the Avera Addiction Care Center, and we recently expanded our treatment scholarships to serve teenagers in the Adolescent Program at the Avera Addiction Care Center. In addition, Emily’s Hope has developed an elementary school prevention curriculum to help stop substance abuse before it starts. It gives kids the tools and knowledge they need to keep them safe. Thank you for helping us stop the stigma and save lives!