December 10, 2023 Bulletin Announcements

Candlelight Service: We hope that you can join us for our Candlelight Service on Sunday, December 17 at 6:30 pm. Our Sunday School kids will also be performing their Christmas program during the service. They will be practicing for the program on Wednesday, Dec. 13, from 6:30-7:30 pm & on Sunday, Dec. 17, following the church service.

Angel Tree: Remember to bring in your items for the Angel Tree by Wednesday, December 13.

Looking for donations of Auction Items: Edge Youth is having a live auction on January 10th to help raise funds for their summer trip to RYM Colorado! We are looking for items to be auctioned off. Do you have any homemade goods, handmade items, special trades you're known for, or new items that we can auction off? Talk to Mark or Diane Brockberg by January 3rd.

Elder/Deacon: Those who have been elected for the office of Elder are Scott Wassink, Lloyd Van’t Hof, and Doug Kroh. Those Elected for the office of Deacon are Eric Hulstein, Jake Post, and Brandon Huisken. If there is any scriptural reason why these men should not be ordained and installed to their office, please see Gene Westenberg or Pastor Mark.

Shut-ins: If you are interested in mailing something to the shut-ins during the holiday season, there is a list on the table in the Narthex.

Pigs-in-the-blanket: Please get your pigs-in-the-blanket orders in for the holidays so you won’t be disappointed that they are gone.

Upcoming Dates:

December 13 - Pancake Fundraiser

December 17 - Candlelight Service/Children's Christmas Program at 6:30 pm

January 7 - Profession of Faith Sunday

January 10 - EDGE Auction

January 26-27 - Presbytery Meeting at First Presbyterian Church in Waukegan, IL


2024 Presbytery and General Assembly Schedule


December 3, 2023 Bulletin Announcements