Welcome to First Reformed: An Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Join us for worship!
Thank you for visiting the website of First Reformed Church in Edgerton, MN. We seek to bring glory to the Triune God for who He is and what He has done to redeem a people for Himself. First Reformed is a congregation in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
We look forward to meeting you at worship on Sunday morning at 9:30 or at our Midweek activities on Wednesday evenings at 6:00. We hope our website will answer any questions you might have about our congregation. If you have any additional questions, you can email us at info@edgertonfrc.org.
Creating Disciples
First Reformed Church has many programs designed for our younger generation to grow and strengthen their Faith. We love sharing the Word during a ‘Children’s Message’ on Sundays, singing praises during Kids Choir and teaching through Sunday School (Preschool to 5th grade). We also are a lead church in Vacation Bible School in the summer months.
Midweek, which is hosted the first, third, and fifth Wednesday evenings of each month during the school year - is another excellent event we hold for people of all ages. Fellowship and food, followed by catechism classes, choirs practicing, and a fun evening by all!
Edge Youth
Edge Youth is a ministry for our high school students’ grades 9th-12th. We come together not only as friends, but as Christian believers, wanting to learn more about the Gospel. Edge is a place where we not only hear testimonies from others, but we strive to let others see the Christian testimony in us. Every other year, we are blessed with serving others on a mission trip. Many students come back with many stories of helping others, and love being able to spread his Gospel. Egde Youth loves serving others, but also stives to enrich the lives of our fellow peers through Christ.
Fusion Student Ministries is the middle school youth group for grades 6th-8th. We hold catechism class on Wednesday evenings and Sunday School following our worship service on Sundays. We also enjoy fun activities as a group, are well-known for our “Ham and Cheese Slider” fundraiser, and most importantly, explore the Gospel and find ways to apply it to our lives.
In the summer months, Fusion attended an RYM retreat which is so fulfilling for our students. The last few years we have traveled to Texas, taking in zip-lining, swimming, praising God, horse-back riding, opening His Word, and eating THE best food in Texas!
Feel free to come and see what Fusion has to offer!
“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.”
— 2 Timothy 3:14-15