March 16, 2025 Bulletin Announcement
Edge Youth: March 19 at 6:30 PM- All students in grades 9-12 are invited to join us for the Annual Community Youth Night! This year it is held at First Christian Reformed Church. Join us for supper, followed by a time of worship and a guest speaker - Jonathan Pap. We are encouraging students who attend to bring an item for the community food shelf!
Edgerton Food Shelf: Donations are needed to support local families. Non-perishable food, personal care items, and monetary gifts are appreciated. Drop off donations at First Reformed Church. High-need items include peanut butter, cereal, spaghetti, canned goods, toilet paper, and detergent. Checks can be made out to Edgerton Food Shelf. Thank you for your generosity! For more info, contact Art & Sandy Menning, Char Miedema, Brenda Kooi, or Mary Kreun.

January 19, 2025 Bulletin Announcement
Note: Rick Peterson, one of our Missionaries and a partner in ministry Vahit will be at our church for a time of sharing and answering questions on Wednesday, January 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Come and hear about their endeavors.
Super Bowl Slider Fundraiser: The Jr High Fusion students are selling Super Bowl Sliders on February 1. Please find a student to sign up with, or there is a sign-up sheet on the coffee counter. Pickup will be from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, Feb.1. Students, please be at church at 8:00 a.m. to assemble them that morning. Parents, we would love your help to make this a success!

January 5, 2025 Bulletin Announcements
Bible Study: Discover the New Testament through The Story Retold, overview class to help you understand the big story of scripture. Classes meet on the third Sunday of each month at 10:50 a.m. in the Jr. High Catechism room, starting January 19. Each session is just 20 minutes. The book "The Story Retold" is available for $42 but is not necessary to participate. Sign up at the welcome desk to get a copy.
Men's Bible Study: Join us next Saturday, January 11, at 8:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall for the launch of our men’s Bible study, Second Saturday! We’ll begin a study of the book of Galatians while enjoying coffee and a light breakfast. Come for meaningful discussion, fellowship, and prayer. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and dig into God’s Word with other men. We hope to see you there!

September 8, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Bloodmobile: There will be a Red Cross blood drive at the First Christian Reformed Church in Edgerton on Monday, September 16 from 12:30 until 6:30. Please call Betty at 507-227-8416 or fbhuisken@gmail.com to make or to confirm an appointment. We are always looking for new donors. There is an urgent need for blood. Every 2 seconds someone/somewhere in the U.S.A. is in need of blood. Anyone 16 yrs (with parent’s permission) or older and in good health can donate.

September 1, 2024
Sunday School Kick-off & Potluck: You're all invited to our Sunday School Kick-off and potluck next Sunday, September 8, immediately following fellowship. It's a wonderful opportunity to gather as a congregation, enjoy delicious BBQs and drinks provided by us, and share in the joy of the new season ahead. We would like to encourage you to bring a dish to share. Whether you're a regular attendee or new to our church family, everyone is warmly welcome.

July 28, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Fill Our Tanks Update: Thank you for the fantastic generosity toward the gas fundraiser for Reformed Youth Ministries Middle School Texas. We met our goal and received enough donations for 16 tanks of gas. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

June 16, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Vacation Bible School: THANK YOU to all our volunteers, pastors, parents, and children who helped make this week a huge success! Without you and your time, we couldn't do it. We are so blessed to be able to pour into the lives of children in this congregation and community! We were blessed with over 200+ children attending our VBS week. This year's theme was "Diving into Friendship with God" and a verse we focused on John 3:16. It's our prayer that Scuba VBS will immerse everyone in a deeper, richer relationship with God.
- VBS Directors

June 9, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Vacation Bible School: We look forward to a fun-filled week of VBS! If you signed up to help, please be at First Reformed Church around 8:40 a.m. We are ready to dive into God's Word, sing His praises, and create new friendships along the way! Thank you to everyone who helped make this week possible! Everyone is invited to attend our VBS program at SWC - Elementary Campus on Friday, June 14, at 11:30 a.m.

June 2, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Fill Our Tanks: Summer is now upon us, and the Jr. High trip to RYM Texas will be here before we know it. We need your help getting down the road with our "Fill Our Tanks" fundraiser. Like last year, we will travel via vans, and it will take 16 tanks to get us there and back. Consider donating $20 for a quarter tank, $40 for a half, or $80 for a full tank, but any donation is greatly appreciated. You can drop your donations in the gas can at the Welcome Desk.
Jr. High RYM Volunteers: We are looking for two people willing to pick up and drop off the rental vans for our trip so that our drivers do not have to spend extra time in the car before and after the trip. Drivers must be available at 6:30 a.m. on July 30 and roughly 8:00 p.m. on August 5. Talk to Pastor Mark to volunteer.

May 5, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
THANK YOU for your generous donations to the RCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano! A total of $1,775 was raised! The worship committee will choose a piano to purchase. Thanks again for your support!
Food Shelf: The Food Shelf is in need of the following items: Cereal, toilet paper, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables & fruits, soups, crackers, ketchup, peanut butter, hamburger helper, pancake mix & syrup.

April 26-27, 2024 Presbytery Summary
Summary of the 41st Stated Meeting of Rivers & Lakes Presbytery April 26-27, 2024 Aplington, IA
Moderator TE Ted Tromble opened our meeting with singing and prayer.
TE Doug Hull welcomed us to Aplington EPC.
Clerk’s Report: On behalf of the Coordinating Council, TE Annie Rose presented three proposed amendments to the RLP Bylaws, which will come to a vote in September. She also reminded all that General Assembly is June 18- 20 in Memphis. Session Clerks need to submit the online endorsement form for Ruling Elder Commissioners.

April 28, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
RCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano
Today is the LAST DAY to donate to the spring FRCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano. Please take an envelope from the display near the welcome desk, insert the dollar amount on the envelope (or any amount you’d like to give), and put it into the marked box. Thank you!
Morning Coffee Volunteers: There is a signup sheet looking for volunteers to help with morning coffee before church. If you want to be added to the schedule, please talk to Tricia Jouwstra or Caty Arp.

April 7, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Jr. High Fusion Taco Supper: On Wednesday, April 10, we will be having our Annual Jr. High Taco Supper from 5:30-7:00 pm. All are invited to join us for tacos and root beer floats. The money raised will go towards their RYM trip in August. Thank you for supporting our youth!
FRCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano
The First Reformed Church Women (FRCW) are having a fundraiser to purchase an electronic piano for the fellowship room. An electronic piano is lighter and more portable than an actual piano and does not need to be tuned. An electronic piano could be connected to the sound system, if needed, and could also be used in the sanctuary if three pianos are played together.

March 24 Bulletin Announcements
Maundy Thursday Brunch at First Reformed Church on Thursday, March 28 at 9:30 a.m. Coffee and muffins at 9:00 a.m. Guest speakers this year include SWC students and other church members who will share about their trip to En-Gedi Children’s Home in Kenya. The free-will offering will go to the En-Gedi Children’s Home which Margaret Njuguna founded. All women of the community are invited.

February 4, 2024 Bulletin Annoucements
Super Bowl Sliders: Mark your calendars. It’s that time again, Fusion (Jr. High) Youth Group will be selling Super Bowl Sliders! We will be making them on Friday, February 9. All Jr. High kids are encouraged to be there to help! Any parental help would also be appreciated. There is an order form on the Welcome Counter if you would like to order or talk to a Jr. High student. Pickup for the sliders will be on Friday, Feb 9 from 6:30-8pm or following the service on Sunday, February 11.
Note: Please keep Diane Westenberg and Kristin Groen in your prayers as they leave tomorrow for their trip to En Gedi in Kenya. Please pray for safe travels and blessings in their work at the orphanage.

January 7, 2024 Bulletin Announcements
Note: Pastor Mark will be leaving for Ethiopia on Thursday. In addition to teaching the seminarians, he will preach on the two Lord’s Days he is gone and present seminars with pastors in other cities on the topic of “Christ-Centered Preaching.” You can keep up with his updates during the trip on our church website under the “Updates” tab. You can also go directly to his posts by going to africa.markgroen.me in a web browser.

December 31, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
Looking for donations of Auction Items: Edge Youth is having a live auction January 10th to help raise funds for their summer trip to RYM Colorado! We are looking for items to be auctioned off. Do you have any home-made goods, handmade items, special trades you're known for, or new items that we can auction off? Talk to Mark or Diane Brockberg by January 3rd.
EDGE Youth Supper/Auction: Come Support Edge Youth on January 10th for a Pulled Pork Meal (free will donation) served from 5:00-6:30 p.m. Live donation auction starting at 6:30 p.m. Join in for fellowship & fun while supporting Edge Youth. Funds raised go towards their summer trip to Reformed Youth Ministries in Colorado.

December 24, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
Looking for donations of Auction Items: Edge Youth is having a live auction on January 10th to help raise funds for their summer trip to RYM Colorado! We are looking for items to be auctioned off. Do you have any home-made goods, handmade items, special trades you're known for, or new items that we can auction off? Talk to Mark or Diane Brockberg by January 3rd.

December 17, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
Note: We are in need of some men to help set up the risers today following the morning service.
Looking for donations of Auction Items: Edge Youth is having a live auction on January 10th to help raise funds for their summer trip to RYM Colorado! We are looking for items to be auctioned off. Do you have any homemade goods, handmade items, special trades you're known for, or new items that we can auction off? Talk to Mark or Diane Brockberg by January 3rd.