March 16, 2025 Bulletin Announcement

Thank you to the Sr. RCYF for the beautiful blanket and your thoughtfulness and prayers.  It really makes my day.  Mina J.

Bloodmobile:  There will be a Red Cross blood drive at the First Reformed Church in Edgerton on Monday, March 24 from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m., Please call Betty at 507-227-8416 to make or to confirm an appointment.  There is a constant need for blood.  Every 2 seconds someone/somewhere in the U.S.A. needs blood.  Anyone 16 yrs. or older and in good health is able to donate.

Heartfelt Thank You:  Edge Youth extends our gratitude and appreciation for everyone who helped support our mission trip transportation fundraiser! Without the help from a supportive church family and community this would not have been possible. We are so grateful to the parents who made the food, to everyone who donated items to be auctioned off, and to the individuals and families who came to show support at the meal and auction. Your support has helped us exceed our goal! The kids see and feel your support, thank you for making this experience of a mission trip possible for these students! 

Edge Youth:  March 19 at 6:30 PM- All students in grades 9-12 are invited to join us for the Annual Community Youth Night! This year it is held at First Christian Reformed Church. Join us for supper, followed by a time of worship and a guest speaker - Jonathan Pap. We are encouraging students who attend to bring an item for the community food shelf! 

Edgerton Food Shelf:  Donations are needed to support local families. Non-perishable food, personal care items, and monetary gifts are appreciated. Drop off donations at First Reformed Church. High-need items include peanut butter, cereal, spaghetti, canned goods, toilet paper, and detergent. Checks can be made out to  Edgerton Food Shelf.  Thank you for your generosity! For more info, contact Art & Sandy M., Char M., Brenda K., or Mary K..

Coffee Break will meet March 19 and April 2.  There is no Coffee Break March 26 due to spring break at the schools.  April 2 is the last session for this season for morning Coffee Break.

Anchored Jr High Camp Middle school students, get ready for an unforgettable experience at Anchored, our three-day, two-night catechism camp at Lake Okoboji! Join us August 4-6 as we dig into the foundations of our faith, build lasting friendships, and enjoy activities together. Our theme this year is Anchored: Firm in Christ, based on Hebrews 6:17-20, reminding us that our hope in Christ is a sure and steadfast anchor for the soul. This camp is designed for current 5th-8th grade students. Whether you’ve been in catechism for years or are just beginning, this is a great opportunity to grow in faith and deepen your understanding of God’s truth. Space is limited, so don’t wait! A $50 deposit is required to secure your spot. Space is limited so be sure to register today at The deadline for deposits is April 16. If you have any questions or need more details, contact Pastor Mark or the church office.

ATLAS for Life will be hosting their spring 13-week Grief Share Support Group. The first gathering will be held on Thursday, March 20 and run through early June. Each evening will begin at 5:00 pm at ATLAS (101 2nd St. NE – Pipestone) and conclude around 7:00 pm. A meal will be served with the  gathering on March 20 where the remaining schedule and information for the 13 weeks will be handed out.  The journey of grief is different for each individual, but there are useful insights to help and encourage you through videos and group discussions. You may join the group at any time during the course of the meetings. Call (507) 562-5777 with questions or to sign up!

 Upcoming Dates:
Midweek K-8  -   April 2 & 16
Presbytery, Dousman, WI  -  April 25 & 26

Order of Worship


March 9, 2025 Bulletin Announcements