Devotions: Not By Bread Alone
Devotions Mark Groen Devotions Mark Groen

Devotions: Not By Bread Alone

Day 1: The Bread that Sustains

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 8:1-3 

Reflection: Just as God provided manna to sustain the Israelites, He provides His Word to sustain us today. It’s not just about physical bread but about the spiritual nourishment that comes from every word from God’s mouth. Consider how you’ve been feeding your soul lately. Are you relying on God’s Word as your daily bread? 

Prayer: Lord, help me to see Your Word as my source of life. Give me a hunger for Your truth each day.

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September 29 Sermon: Not By Bread Alone
Sermon Mark Groen Sermon Mark Groen

September 29 Sermon: Not By Bread Alone

Imagine someone conducting a 30-day experiment that for an entire month, they decide to give up on all solid food and survive on nothing but water. At first, they might feel okay. Maybe they would be confident that they can handle this. They just need to get used to it. But as the days pass this person's body would start to weaken. Their energy levels would plummet because they're not only losing their fat stores but their muscles are wasting away. And by the end of the month they would barely be functioning.

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Devotions: A Lamp Unto My Feet
Devotions Mark Groen Devotions Mark Groen

Devotions: A Lamp Unto My Feet

Day 1: God's Word Is Accessible

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 30:11-14
Reflection: God's Word is not hidden or out of reach—it is near, knowable, and written for us to understand. Just as Moses reminded Israel that God’s commands were not too difficult to grasp, we are also invited to engage with Scripture, trusting that God wants us to know Him and His will.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for making Your Word accessible to us. Help me to engage with it daily and to understand the truths You have for my life. Amen.

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Devotions: Everything We Need
Devotions Mark Groen Devotions Mark Groen

Devotions: Everything We Need

Day 1: The Sufficiency of Scripture for Salvation

Reading: Romans 10:9-17
Reflection: Paul emphasizes that faith comes from hearing the Word of Christ. Salvation is not something we earn; it is a gift from God, revealed through His Word. We don’t need extra rituals or human philosophies to be saved—God’s Word is sufficient to bring us to faith.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the gift of salvation through Your Word. Help me fully trust the gospel and rely on Christ alone for salvation.

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September 15 Sermon: Everything We Need
Sermon Mark Groen Sermon Mark Groen

September 15 Sermon: Everything We Need

In this message, we explore the sufficiency of Scripture in three key areas: salvation, holiness, and worship. God’s Word is always enough, regardless of our circumstances. It guides us, transforms us, and reveals how we are to worship Him. Join us as we uncover the power and authority of Scripture in every area of life.

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Devotions: The Final Word
Devotions Mark Groen Devotions Mark Groen

Devotions: The Final Word

Day 1: Scripture’s Authority in Our Lives
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Reflection: The Bible is not just another voice; it is the authoritative word of God. It instructs, corrects, and equips us for every good work. Consider today how you are responding to the authority of scripture in your life. Are you allowing it to direct your thoughts and actions?
Prayer: Lord, help me submit to the authority of Your Word. Shape my life through Your truth and guide me in all that I do. Amen.

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September 8 Sermon: The Final Word
Sermon Mark Groen Sermon Mark Groen

September 8 Sermon: The Final Word

In a world filled with competing voices, only one rises above the noise with true authority—God's Word. This sermon explores the authority of scripture as the inspired, God-breathed truth that shapes, equips, and transforms our lives. Discover how the Bible guides us in teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness, equipping us for every good work.

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