Devotions: Everything We Need

Day 1: The Sufficiency of Scripture for Salvation

Reading: Romans 10:9-17
Reflection: Paul emphasizes that faith comes from hearing the Word of Christ. Salvation is not something we earn; it is a gift from God, revealed through His Word. We don’t need extra rituals or human philosophies to be saved—God’s Word is sufficient to bring us to faith.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the gift of salvation through Your Word. Help me fully trust the gospel and rely on Christ alone for salvation.

Day 2: Storing God’s Word in Our Hearts

Reading: Psalm 119:9-11
Reflection: The psalmist teaches that hiding God’s Word in our hearts protects us from sin. It’s not enough to simply read or memorize Scripture; we must internalize it, allowing it to shape our desires and actions.
Prayer: Father, help me store Your Word in my heart to transform my life. May it guide me away from sin and bring me closer to Your will.

Day 3: Living a Holy Life Through God’s Word

Reading: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Reflection: Scripture equips us for every good work and guides us in holy living. The Word of God provides wisdom, correction, and instruction, leading us to live in a way that pleases Him.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the wisdom of Your Word. Shape me through it, and help me live a life that honors You in all I do.

Day 4: Worshiping God According to His Word

Reading: John 4:23-24
Reflection: Jesus teaches true worshipers to worship the Father in spirit and truth. God’s Word reveals how we are to worship Him—not according to our preferences, but in the way He has commanded.
Prayer: Almighty God, help me worship You in spirit and truth, as Your Word instructs. May my worship be pleasing to You and rooted in Your commands.

Day 5: The Power of God’s Word in Every Circumstance

Reading: Isaiah 55:10-11
Reflection: God’s Word always accomplishes its purpose. No matter our circumstances, His Word is powerful and effective, providing all we need for salvation, holiness, and worship.
Prayer: Sovereign Lord, thank You that Your Word never returns void. Help me trust its power and rely on it entirely in every area of my life.


September 22 Sermon: A Lamp Unto My Feet


September 15 Sermon: Everything We Need