Devotions: Not By Bread Alone

Day 1: The Bread that Sustains

Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 8:1-3 

Reflection: Just as God provided manna to sustain the Israelites, He provides His Word to sustain us today. It’s not just about physical bread but about the spiritual nourishment that comes from every word from God’s mouth. Consider how you’ve been feeding your soul lately. Are you relying on God’s Word as your daily bread? 

Prayer: Lord, help me to see Your Word as my source of life. Give me a hunger for Your truth each day.

Day 2: Guarded by the Word

Scripture Reading: Matthew 4:1-11

Reflection: When Jesus was tempted, He responded with Scripture. He showed us that the Word of God is our greatest defense against the enemy's lies and attacks. When faced with temptations, we need to arm ourselves with God’s truth, allowing it to guide our thoughts and actions. 

Prayer: Father, equip me with Your Word to resist the temptations and lies I face. Help me stand firm in Your truth.

Day 3: The Power of God's Word

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4:12-13

Reflection: God’s Word is described as "living and active," sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates our hearts, revealing our true thoughts and intentions. This is why engaging with Scripture is not just an intellectual exercise—it’s a transformative experience that shapes us to be more like Christ.

Prayer: Lord, let Your Word penetrate my heart, revealing areas where I need to change. Transform me by Your truth.

Day 4: Finding Delight in God's Word

Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:9-16

Reflection: The psalmist speaks of hiding God’s Word in his heart and finding delight in His statutes. As we immerse ourselves in Scripture, it becomes a source of joy, wisdom, and strength. It’s not a burdensome duty but a source of life and delight. Reflect on how you can grow in your love for God's Word.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to find joy and delight in Your Word. May it guide my steps and shape my heart.

Day 5: The Word as Our Foundation

Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

Reflection: Scripture is given to us for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. It equips us for every good work, serving as the foundation upon which we build our lives. When we anchor ourselves in God’s Word, we’re prepared to navigate life’s challenges with wisdom and faith.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for giving me Your Word as a foundation for my life. Teach me, correct me, and equip me to walk in righteousness.


September 29 Sermon: Not By Bread Alone