Devotions: Intentional Atonement
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: Intentional Atonement

Day 1:

Bible Reading: Isaiah 53:1-6

Devotional: Reflect on the suffering of Jesus, the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy. Consider how Jesus took on our grief, carried our sorrows, and was pierced for our transgressions. Take some time today to thank Jesus for His sacrifice and ask for His grace to follow Him faithfully.

Reflection Questions:

1. What does Jesus' suffering mean to you personally?

2. How does knowing that Jesus bore your sins affect your understanding of God's love for you?

3. How can you show gratitude for Jesus' sacrifice in your daily life?

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September 24 Sermon: Intentional Atonement
Mark Groen Mark Groen

September 24 Sermon: Intentional Atonement

We have all been in positions where we are experimenting with something and we find ourselves unsure whether what we have been laboring over has been worthwhile or not. This could be something like substituting an ingredient or a recipe or it could be trying a part that you aren’t sure is compatible in something you are fixing. It comes to the point where you say “I sure hope this works” and give it a try. There is a lot of satisfaction when what you have gambled on works but at the same time you aren’t surprised when it doesn’t work out exactly as you had hoped because you were taking a shot in the dark anyway.

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Devotions: Adopted by God
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: Adopted by God

Day 1: Understanding Unconditional Election

Bible Reading: Romans 9:6-8

Devotional: Begin by reading Romans 9:6-8, focusing on the principle of election as outlined by Apostle Paul. This doctrine can be difficult to understand, but it's crucial in comprehending God's sovereignty and His unconditional love for us. The sermon we listened to emphasized that our salvation doesn't depend on our works or merits, but solely on God's mercy. Today, let's meditate on this divine grace and express gratitude for His unconditional love.

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September 17 Sermon: Adopted by God
Mark Groen Mark Groen

September 17 Sermon: Adopted by God

One of the most powerful images of salvation in Christ is the idea of being adopted into the family of God. Now, this is an idea that comes through in many parts of Scripture, but it is primarily something that we see in the writings of Paul in the New Testament this idea of adoption, and we can see the ramifications of this concept, because we can observe adoption in the world around us and, as a covenant community, as the people gathered here, we have seen this ourselves in recent memory. We have two children who were baptized into the covenant family of this congregation within very recent memory, and we witness firsthand what adoption means, and it is a picture of what God does for you and I. In the Gospel, children who did not have parents are chosen to be brought into a family. They are brought into the family and they are not second-class members of that family. They are children who are not only legally part of the family, but they're loved, they're cherished, and they also have all the benefits of being in that family.

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Creeds, Reubens, and the Faith Once for All Delivered to the Saints
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Creeds, Reubens, and the Faith Once for All Delivered to the Saints

I like Reuben sandwiches. In fact, I am on a quest to find the perfect one. So far, the best one I have ever had is at Valois in Hyde Park near the University of Chicago. If you are ever on Chicago's South Side, I recommend you make trying one a priority.

The problem with enjoying a Reuben is that it is not the type of thing you go the refrigerator and make for yourself. I also cannot walk up to the sandwich line at our local grocery store to enjoy my favorite sandwich. It is something I am rarely able to enjoy.

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Devotions: Fallen Humanity
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: Fallen Humanity

Day 1:

Reading: Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3:1-15

Devotional: Today we begin our journey with the first sin, the fall of man. We see how the first humans disobeyed God and brought sin into the world. However, in Genesis 3:15, we also see God's promise of a Savior. How does this promise impact your understanding of God's love and mercy, even in the midst of our rebellion?

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September 10 Sermon: Fallen Humanity
Mark Groen Mark Groen

September 10 Sermon: Fallen Humanity

If I were to ask you to make a list of some of the most recognizable and well known songs it is likely that has you drill down your list, the song Amazing Grace might make it in the top five. It is a tune that is used and recognized even in contexts outside the church. You’ve probably seen a movie that used the tune in a funeral scene. In fact, I thought of two films right off the top of my head and they both used bagpipes, and, as soon as i thought of them the images of the films were brought to mind. Many people who have rarely darkened the door of a church even know the song. Most people know the tune and many of the words. It’s one of those hymns that if the lights went out we could probably finish it.

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Devotions: Well Ordered
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: Well Ordered

Day 1:

Bible Reading: Numbers 11:10-17

Devotional: Today, reflect on Moses's plight in the wilderness. He felt overwhelmed by the task of leading God's people, so God provided him with elders to share the responsibility. As you read, consider the role of church leaders in your life. How do they support and guide you? How can you support and pray for them?

Reflection Question: In what ways have you felt the support and guidance of church leaders in your life?

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July 30 Sermon: My Salvation, My God
Mark Groen Mark Groen

July 30 Sermon: My Salvation, My God

We’ve all desired something and desired it deeply. These longings that we have can often end up consuming our thoughts and become our focus. Often this goes beyond just what we think about, these desires can often end up directing our lives, even without us even realizing it. It frames not only how we think but it can cause us to act in different ways. These yearnings often also shape our loves and the path of our lives soon follow. This is why it is so important that we are mindful of our thoughts. This has been true in any time but as I was pondering this concept the past week I was once again drawn to the affluence of our time.

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Dwell in the Word: Psalm 13
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Psalm 13

Psalm 13 has us in another psalm of David and in this chapter of the psalter we find David asking some questions. Once again, the psalmist is clearly facing a difficult circumstance of some kind and here we see a pretty high level of desperation. The questions David is asking shows that he might be to a bit of a breaking point. When we read the first verse you have to not only appreciate the honesty of David but I also appreciate that these questions are in scripture. We know that God does not forget his people. We know that he is slow to anger and abounding with steadfast love.

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Dwell in the World: Psalm 12
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the World: Psalm 12

We find ourselves in Psalm 12 and once again we see the psalmist feeling overwhelmed with the state of the world around him. Right away with the first three words here in this chapter we have David asking for rescue from Yahweh. In this instance it isn’t David calling out to have his health restored in a sickness and he isn’t asking to be saved from a military attack or coup. Instead, the concern that we see being expressed here is that the godly one is gone. David says that those who are faithful have vanished from among the children of man.

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Dwell in the Word: Psalm 11
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Psalm 11

We come to the eleventh chapter of the Psalter and we have another psalm that is attributed to David. Here we see some strong imagery about how David understands his relationship to Yahweh.‌

As we have seen many times so far in the first ten chapters and will continue to see as we move through the Psalms, the occasion for the writing of this psalm is a time of turmoil and where the psalmist is under attack of some kind. And we start out here without any indication that anything is wrong.

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July 9 Sermon: Not Even One
Mark Groen Mark Groen

July 9 Sermon: Not Even One

There is a spiritual and theological truth that is very easy to objectively verify. That truth is the doctrine of original sin. You see it everywhere when you observe the world around you. Sin and depravity are everywhere. You can observe it in the big problems of the world when we see moral decay all over the place. You can see it in the issues that happen closer to home as well with a plethora of examples we could list of things that show us the world is broken. We can see it in our homes when we have struggles and conflict within our own families but at the end of the day, we must also acknowledge that the greatest proof of this depravity is the sin that we know is in our own hearts.

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Dwell in the Word: Psalm 10
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Psalm 10

We come to Psalm 10 and we see a question that many of us have most likely asked. God, why do you seem so far away and why are you hiding yourself in the worst of times? You may have asked this question in time of personal difficulty or when someone you know was experiencing hardship. You may have also had this question come to mind when there was something going on in the world that you were deeply troubled about. This is something all of us have considered and it is a blessing that we see these things talked about openly in the pages of scripture because there is an answer to these thoughts that can plague our minds.

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Dwell in the Word: Psalm 9
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Psalm 9

As we continue our way through the Psalms we once again see the connection between the praises offered to God and what God has done for his people.

‌We see this right away in verse one when the Psalmist says that he will recount all of the LORD’s wonderful deeds. As we continue through this Psalm we see a list of things that God has done for David and it is an impressive list. You can easily understand why David has sat down to write this song. As I said, the stuff that David mentions that God has done for him is pretty impressive and it is all stuff that is related to David as king. This list of the deeds of God here isn’t that something small has happened and David is happy. He didn’t pray for a new bike for his birthday and he got one. It is also important that we understand that this faithfulness to David is also a faithfulness to the people of God. David is more than just an ordinary earthly power. He is the anointed of God and that anointing is not just that he has the authority as a king over a particular plot of land in the middle east. The faithfulness of God to David points to the faithfulness of God that will come in the one who will one day descend from David. When we talk about God being faithful it encompasses all these things and that is important as we consider how the Psalm applies to us, but we will get to that a little later. Let’s consider this list of things that David is recounting.

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Dwell in the Word: Psalm 8
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Psalm 8

Of the psalms we have looked at so far it is likely that Psalm 8 is the one that we are most familiar with. It is one of the psalms that you come to and you read through it and discover that several phrases that are used in prayers and songs come from this Psalm. And of course we do, this is a psalm of praise with majestic language not only about the glory of God but it also sets out how amazing it is that the maker of heaven and earth cares for us.

‌Right away with the first verse we see a statement that we say in praise along with the Psalmist: O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. As we read this you may have notice that in the original language this isn’t repetitive like it is in the English. As you’ve heard me mention before in our English bibles we get an indication of when the proper name of God is being used in the Old Testament. When we see all caps used for the word Lord it means that in the Hebrew it is the proper name of God, Yahweh, being used. You may have also noticed that the second time the word lord is used in English it isn’t in all caps. There in the original language it is not the proper name of God but the Hebrew word for lord, which is adonai.

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Dwell in the Word: Psalm 7
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Psalm 7

Here in the seventh Psalm we find David proclaiming that he takes refuge in the LORD. We have seen so far that David’s life is anything but ordinary. As the anointed one of God he is pursued by those who would do him harm in order to take his position of authority. As we think about these circumstances that the King of Israel might get himself in it would be easy to find the solution in building up earthly armies and resting on the military strength and strategy that you can come up with. Despite our natural human tendency to find our strength within ourselves we find that David finds his refuge in God. Yahweh is the one who will save him from these assorted difficulties that he encounters. We see this trust that David has in the LORD in verse one when he says O Lord, my God, in you do I take my refuge. His refuge isn’t in bows or swords. His trust is in God. The LORD is the fortress that he will use to remain safe and as it continues we get the idea of how serious the situation is for David. If God does not shelter him from this storm he is experiencing he believes they may tear apart his soul like a lion and he will be torn to pieces.

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June 18 Sermon: I Love the Lord
Mark Groen Mark Groen

June 18 Sermon: I Love the Lord

There are many different types of prayers that we find in the book of Psalms. As I mentioned last week, we see everything from prayers of praise to prayers calling for harsh judgment on the enemies of God. This week we are looking at Psalm 43 and it is a prayer crying out for deliverance. No matter how well off your life has been, my guess is that at some point you have prayed to God for deliverance from a situation. It could be something as simple as praying that God help you through a stressful situation or it could have been a prayer asking to be delivered from the most intense circumstances of your life. Regardless, deliverance is something I think that we have all prayed for at some point in our life. And in those type of situations, we have all probably been to a point where we have felt like we just wanted to give up.

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Dwell in the Word: Psalm 6
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Psalm 6

We see once again that the Psalmist is in a very desperate state of affairs. We see, as verse 1 comes about, that he is begging God, Rebuke me not in your anger nor discipline me in your wrath. He is asking for mercy. In fact, in verse 2, we see that he's asked God to be gracious to him because he is languishing. He's in a desperate state of affairs to the point that his bones are troubled. In fact, verse three, My soul is greatly troubled, but you, O Lord, how long... In other words, he is wondering how long is God going to allow this to happen? How long is this state of affairs going to be the way that His life is because this is getting deep down into Him? Notice, My bones are troubled. Now, I don't know if you've ever had something go wrong where you were grieving or you felt it down within your bones physically, but we know what this phrase means, and there are ways in which we grieve and things that we feel that affect parts of us that have nothing to do with what we've experienced, right? We can feel it deep down in our bones.

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June 11 Sermon: Send Out Your Light
Mark Groen Mark Groen

June 11 Sermon: Send Out Your Light

There are many different types of prayers that we find in the book of Psalms. As I mentioned last week, we see everything from prayers of praise to prayers calling for harsh judgment on the enemies of God. This week we are looking at Psalm 43 and it is a prayer crying out for deliverance. No matter how well off your life has been, my guess is that at some point you have prayed to God for deliverance from a situation. It could be something as simple as praying that God help you through a stressful situation or it could have been a prayer asking to be delivered from the most intense circumstances of your life. Regardless, deliverance is something I think that we have all prayed for at some point in our life. And in those type of situations, we have all probably been to a point where we have felt like we just wanted to give up.

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