Devotions: Intentional Atonement

Day 1:

Bible Reading: Isaiah 53:1-6

Devotional: Reflect on the suffering of Jesus, the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy. Consider how Jesus took on our grief, carried our sorrows, and was pierced for our transgressions. Take some time today to thank Jesus for His sacrifice and ask for His grace to follow Him faithfully.

Reflection Questions:

1. What does Jesus' suffering mean to you personally?

2. How does knowing that Jesus bore your sins affect your understanding of God's love for you?

3. How can you show gratitude for Jesus' sacrifice in your daily life?

Day 2:

Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-6

Devotional: Reflect on Paul's words about Jesus as our mediator. He sacrificed Himself for all people, demonstrating God's desire for everyone to come to the knowledge of truth. Contemplate on the inclusivity of God's grace and the importance of praying for all people.

Reflection Questions:

1. What does it mean to you that Jesus is our mediator?

2. How does understanding Jesus' sacrifice for all people influence your perspective on praying for others?

3. How can you embody the inclusivity of God's grace in your interactions with others?

Day 3:

Bible Reading: Romans 9:14-24

Devotional: Ponder on the concept of God's election. Recognize that our salvation is not a result of our works, but God's mercy. Ask God for the humility to accept His sovereign choice and the faith to trust in His grace.

Reflection Questions:

1. How do you feel about the concept of God's election?

2. How does knowing your salvation is a result of God's mercy, not your works, influence your relationship with Him?

3. How can you demonstrate trust in God's sovereign choice in your life?

Day 4:

Bible Reading: John 10:1-18

Devotional: Reflect on Jesus as the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. Consider how Jesus knows His sheep and they know Him. Pray for a deeper relationship with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and ask Him to guide you in recognizing His voice.

Reflection Questions:

1. What comfort do you find in knowing Jesus as the Good Shepherd?

2. How does recognizing Jesus' voice play a role in your spiritual life?

3. How can you cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus, the Good Shepherd?

Day 5:

Bible Reading: Revelation 5:1-14

Devotional: Contemplate on the vision of the redeemed people from every tribe, language, people, and nation. Reflect on the extent of Jesus' atonement and its promise of salvation to all who believe. Pray for a heart that rejoices in the diversity of God's kingdom and the assurance of your salvation.

Reflection Questions:

1. How does the vision of redeemed people from every tribe, language, people, and nation affect your understanding of God's kingdom?

2. What does the assurance of your salvation mean to you?

3. How can you celebrate the diversity of God's kingdom in your life?


October 1 Sermon: Transformed by the Spirit


September 24 Sermon: Intentional Atonement