Dwell in the Word Philippians 4:2-9
And so, here we land in one of the more well-known parts of the Book of Philippians. Chapter four is probably the best-known part of the book. There's a lot of verses that we know that maybe we memorized when we were younger or things that are, say, from songs. Just look at verse four, Rejoicing the Lord always. Again, I will say, Rejoice. Now, let's remember what we've seen in Philippians so far. The people, the church in Philippi, they're experiencing persecution. Paul is experiencing persecution. He has been imprisoned. And what is Paul saying they should do? They should rejoice.
Dwell in the Word Philippians 3:17-4:1
So, we have a bit of a humbling passage here because we see Paul's compassion for those who are teaching falsely. He is concerned not only for them, but for what might happen to those who follow them. And so, we see, what is Paul saying the solution is here to these problems? Well, he says, Join in imitating me and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. In other words, look at those who are behaving in the way we are, but also those who are teaching the way that we are teaching.
Dwell in the Word Philippians 3:12-16
So, we arrive here in verse 12 of chapter 3, and we see Paul talking about how he hasn't already obtained the perfection that he has been talking about, this righteousness. He's not perfectly righteous in this life. He's not already perfect, as he says here, but he presses on for it. He's not saying that he's not saved. He's not saying that he needs to do this. He's saying that he's striving for this righteousness in this life, that the struggles that he has, he knows that Christ Jesus has made him his own.
Dwell in the Word Philippians 3:1-11
There is so much richness and depth to this part of the Book of Philippians. This is just eleven verses just coming at you one statement after another, talking about the essence of the faith. Now, there's some stuff in here that we may not understand very well because we don't necessarily speak the language that Paul would have been speaking. And by that I don't mean Greek or Hebrew or anything like that. I mean, the things that he would have said might not resonate with us. For example, he says, Look out for the dogs. Look out for the evil doors, look out for those who mutilate the flesh. Well, that would have been the Judaizers who were saying that, Yeah, Jesus was good and you need him, but you also need to be circumcised.
Dwell in the Word Philippians 2:19-30
This is an interesting passage, as I was dividing up the Book of Philippians, I actually considered putting these verses with what we looked at on Monday, but I decided to look at this separately. Even though there's no real deep theological truth here or nothing really doctrinal in this, it shows us something important about the Christian life. It shows us something very important about Christian service. Notice how Paul talks about Timothy and Epaphroditus here, how they serve Christ church. Notice he's willing to send Timothy in his place. Paul has been detained. He's been imprisoned, and he's willing to send Timothy.
Dwell in the Word Philippians 2:12-18
As we come to this part of Philippians today, we see some language here that might be a little confusing to us because it tells us that we're to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Well, what does that mean? Does that mean that we do works to earn our salvation? Does that mean that our salvation is depend on you and I working it out? Well, clearly it's not, because immediately following what does the apostle Paul say? For it is God who works in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure. So, what does this mean? What is the idea being conveyed here? Well, what it is saying is that we need to have an understanding of the gravity of who God is.
Dwell in the Word Philippians 2:1-11
As I said, this is a well-known passage of scripture. What is amazing here is that it continues this theme that Paul has been having, that things aren't exactly the way the world expects here. Paul has this idea that suffering is a good thing, and he continues here that humility is a good thing, to be humble is a good thing. We want to build ourselves up. Our egos want to amplify us. But here Paul tells us that if we're going to have the mind of Christ Jesus, we need to be thinking about humility. Look at what he says here. Look, even though he was in the form of God, he did not count equality with God, a thing to be grasped.
Dwell in the Word Philippians 1:19-30
This part of the Book of Philippians is an absolutely amazing portion of scripture. There's so much richness and depth here in Paul talking about his life and talking about the suffering that we may have to do for the Lord Jesus. Now, as we look at this passage, we see in verse 21 that he says, For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. What an amazing statement. It's a very well-known verse, but what an amazing statement that Paul is talking about his persecution. He understands he may be martyred, but yet he is saying that, Hey, if I live, I'm living for Christ. But if I die, it is gain. He has a trust. He has a sure confidence that he will be with Christ if he dies. What an amazing faith that he has.
Dwell in the Word Philippians 1:12-18
As we are in this section, we see something rather interesting, interesting to think that, well, Paul has been imprisoned and it has served to advance the gospel. Now, that runs contrary to the way you and I think altogether. Well, wouldn't Paul be better off if he was free and he could go and he could spread the gospel all over the place? Wouldn't that be better? But that's not what God in His providence chose to happen. God is, in fact, using these circumstances, this persecution to build up the proclamation of the Gospel. What do we see here? That Paul is able to have an end with the whole Imperial Guard. This is a big deal. He has an in to people who are on the ground, people who are living real lives, and people who have a position within the government. He's able to proclaim the gospel.
Dwell in the Word Philippians 1:1-11
As we land in this first part of the Book of Philippians, it's important that we understand that the church in Philippi is experiencing persecution. We have to understand here that what they are going through is difficult, but Paul believes that God is doing something through it. Paul is trusting that God is going to do a good work in the church at Philippi through what they are experiencing. If you're watching on video, you can see that I've highlighted verse 6, and it's a well-known verse. It says, And I am sure of this that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ.
Dwell in the Word Mark 16
When you get to the end of Mark, you get some of these brackets here. You can see them here in the middle of the screen if you're watching a video. It says some of the earliest manuscripts do not include verses 9-20 of Chapter 16. Well, what has happened here? Well, the earliest manuscripts we have, so therefore, the ones that are closest to when it was written, they do not have this information about the appearances after the resurrection. Now, there is some questioning whether or not they were meant to be there, whether they were added by copies after the fact, because if you look at the end of Mark that we have in the oldest manuscript, the last verse is different, right?
Dwell in the Word Mark 15:42-47
So, we land in the burial of Jesus. We have seen his suffering. We've seen his death. And now here we have this verses 42 through 47, so five verses explaining his burial. And there is really a lot of detail, isn't there? We're told that it's the day before the Sabbath. We're given the name of Joseph of Arimathea, say that ten times real fast, and we find out who he is. He was a respected member of the Council. But we find out that this Joseph of Arimathea is looking for the kingdom of God. This is a way that Mark is telling us that he was a believer, that he was looking for the kingdom of God in such a way that he was hoping for the salvation that Jesus was bringing.
Dwell in the Word Mark 15:33-41
And so, we finally arrive, after all the drama building up to the betrayal, the crucifixion, we finally have the death of Jesus. An important moment, obviously, because we understand that his death was sacrificial for us, that he paid the price for our sin in this death. And so, as we look at this passage, there are some things that we see here. And one thing I want us to look at real quick is, they are thinking that he's calling for Elijah. Why is that?
Dwell in the Word Mark 15:16-32
As we look at this part of the story of the crucifixion, it's really a difficult thing to read because Jesus is mocked in every possible way. They make fun of him for allegedly being the King of the Jews. They mock him, they strip him. They do all kinds of things. They heap insults upon him, and then they use his own words against him. Jesus is saying things when he is teaching about the temple and rebuilding it in three days, and they say, You're going to rebuild the temple? We'll come down off the cross. They're saying things like, He saved others. Let him save himself. And Jesus takes it. Jesus had the power to step away from the cross. Jesus had the power to come down from the cross, but He stayed there, even amidst the mocking, even amidst those things that were being said that were just absolutely terrible.
Dwell in the Word Mark 15:1-15
As I've said many times, we are coming to that part of the Gospel of Mark that we know the stories really well. It's one continuous story, but the different little stories we encounter are ones that we have heard so many times because they come up all the time around Good Friday and Easter. Here, what do we have? We have Jesus delivered to Pilate, and Pilate asks him questions. The chief priests accused Jesus of things. There's all this stuff going on. Finally, it comes to a head, and Pilate usually would release someone who had been arrested for a crime. In this case, it was Barabas who had committed murder.
Dwell in the Word Mark 14:66-72
As we finish up Chapter 14 today, we come to a very familiar story. This is one that we know. This is a part of our discussion. When we think about the events leading up to the crucifixion, we rarely miss this one, because it's a big deal. Jesus had his disciples turn away from him after he was arrested. Before that, Judas betrayed him. This is just an act that we don't understand. It is heinous to turn on someone that you care about so deeply, someone who has cared for you. But Peter sticks around a little bit longer than everybody else.
Dwell in the Word Mark 14:53-65
The story of the betrayal and leading to the crucifixion of Jesus continues to pick up as we come to our passage today. Today. They have taken Jesus. We saw that on Monday. They've taken Jesus.
They arrested Him in secret and now they are performing a trial. Now, what they're looking for is some reason to convict Him. But there were all kinds of problems here. First off, Jesus hadn't really done anything that they could convict Him of. They're looking for all these things.
Dwell in the Word Mark 14:43-52
As I've been saying the last couple of days, business is picking up. We are to the betrayal and to the arrest of Jesus. This is really a sad event. Most of the time we focus so heavily on the betrayal by Judas, which is a sad event, but the events just keep going. Yes, there's this one who is willing to betray him, but ultimately they all fell away. They all left. They ultimately all betrayed him because they wouldn't stay with him. And so, as we look at this text, we see that Judas is coming and he is identifying Jesus. And it's interesting for us. We live in a world where you can find a picture of anybody. In fact, our technology knows our faces.
Dwell in the Word Mark 14:26-42
As we progress through Mark, we keep getting to stories that we know, don't we? It's interesting the way that Mark tells this story because it starts out with them singing a hymn, Everything seems fine. Yes, Jesus has talked about the betrayal, and he instituted the Lord's Supper, but everything seems to be pretty good. They're walking around freely, they're singing. They're not in hiding or anything. Well, Jesus is going to let them know that it's time. This betrayal that he's been talking about, this suffering that he has been anticipating is now upon them. And so, Jesus says to them, Hey, you're going to all fall away. You're all going to do it.
Dwell in the Word Mark 14:12-25
As I've been saying, the last few of these Dwell in the Word episodes. Business is picking up. We know the story. We know where it's going. We are seeing the development of the crucifixion. Last time we saw that one of the 12 was going to betray him. Judas made the plan, but now they are at table. They are preparing. They prepared for the Passover. And then quickly, we're right there. They're at the table. And Jesus is going in a little bit of a different direction, right? Because he has said that he is going to suffer and die, and he has said that someone's going to betray him. But now what is he saying?