Dwell in the Word Mark 14:1-11
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 14:1-11

Alright, as we land here in chapter 14, business is picking up. We know where the story is going. This has been leading to the crucifixion of Jesus for a while, but now we're getting to the heart of the story, are we not? Well, here we have Jesus two days before the Passover and the Feast of Unleaven Bread, and we read that the chief priests and the scribes, they're seeking to arrest Jesus by stealth. Why? Because they're concerned with all these people who have come and these people who follow Jesus, that there will be an uproar and there will be a problem. So, they want to do this by stealth. Now, that's going to play in as we get down to the end of this passage today.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 13:24-27
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 13:24-27

All right, we come to a rather difficult passage of scripture to interpret here, because if we go back to the context of what this passage is sitting in, we are understanding that Jesus is talking about the destruction of the temple, and it's the temple that was sitting there right in front of him. And as I've mentioned before, Jesus prophesied that that temple would be destroyed prior to its destruction, and it did happen within a generation. Now, there are some people who come to this passage, and they say that this tribulation, this is what is being talked about here, the coming of the son of Man, is in the future for us.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 13:14-23
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 13:14-23

As we look at this second part of the Olivet discourse, it's important that we remember the first part, because what is Jesus talking about here? He is saying that the temple is going to be destroyed. The disciples have said, Hey, Jesus, look at this building. And Jesus says, Well, you think this is great. It's going to be destroyed. And he prophesied that it would happen. And as I mentioned, it did happen in the year '70, when the Romans came and sacked Jerusalem. Well, so what is Jesus talking about here? He's giving further warnings to his disciples and to his followers about how they should react when they see this happening.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 13:1-13
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 13:1-13

For the fast pace that we have seen so far in the Gospel of Mark, we're to that point in the story that Mark is telling that is seeming to slow down quite a bit because it feels like a really long time ago that we saw Jesus and the triumphal entry, right? And we're not to the crucifixion yet. But we come to Mark 13 here and we have something that's known as the Olivec discourse. So Jesus is walking away from the temple and his disciples are like, Look, teacher, look how awesome this building is, how amazing and how great it is. And it took a very long time to build the temple.

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May 30 Sermon: Gathered to His People
Mark Groen Mark Groen

May 30 Sermon: Gathered to His People

From the time I was a child one of my favorite movies has been The Empire Strikes Back. This middle film in the original Star Wars trilogy is unique in that it’s plot line really leads to the bad guys winning the film. It starts with the good guys running for their lives from the attacks of the oppressive Empire’s army. Our favorite heroes are chased all over the galaxy and captured. The new hope we met in the first film is being trained by Jedi master Yoda but he leaves without completing the training to attempt to rescue his friends. And the conclusion of the movie leaves us hanging wondering if it is really true that the hero is the son of the most evil man in the galaxy. How many movies do you know of where the bad guys win? I won’t give you too much time to mentally answer that question because there aren’t too many. In fact, you might not be able to think of any other than the one I have just described.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 12:38-44
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 12:38-44

As we finish up Mark 12 today, we are seeing two very short stories. And you'll notice here that the uninspired part of our scripture, the headings that are put in after the fact, have it in two little different stories. But really, as you read it, it is one story, right? They complement each other. And so, Jesus sees the scribes. He is talking about how they like to do their religious show. He's talking about how they like to have all this honor for themselves, but yet they go around and they devour widow's houses and they make long prayers. They make a scene out of all these things. And then immediately, where does the Gospel of Mark go?

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Dwell in the Word Mark 12:35-37
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 12:35-37

So, as we land in this short passage today, we see a very well-known verse quoted for us. Psalm 1:10-1 is what Jesus is quoting here. The Lord said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right-hand until I put your enemies under your feet. ' Now, this is the most quoted Psalm from the Old Testament. There is no other verse in the New Testament more than this one. It is alluded to, it is quoted directly. It just isn't even close as far as verses that are quoted from the Old Testament in the New Testament. And it's important that we understand the significance of this. It not only tells us about who Jesus is, but it also lets us know that the ultimate goal here is that Jesus ascends to the right-hand of the Father, that if this is Messianic, then he is arriving someplace. He is going to arrive at the Father's right-hand, and he's going to stay there until his enemies are made a footstool.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 12:28-34
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 12:28-34

And so, we get another opportunity to see Jesus answering a question. So a scribe sees them debating, sees them weighing back and forth and talking about these different topics, and he has a question himself. It's an important question, which commandment is the most important of all? Jesus goes back to scripture. The first thing he says is, Hero Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. This is known as the Shema. In Hebrew, the word Shema means here. This is a confession of who God is, that the Lord God, He is one. He is not many gods. He is not all these different deities all over the place. No, he is one. He is God. He is the only true God. Then Jesus answers with more scripture, and it's a summary of the law. You should love the Lord God with all your heart, and with all your soul, with all your mind, and all your strength.

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May 23 Sermon: Then You Shall Know
Mark Groen Mark Groen

May 23 Sermon: Then You Shall Know

We all like to know things for sure. Things being up in the air can lead to sleepless nights, stress, and emotional issues. It can easily become the only thing that you can think about. But when certainty comes all of that falls away. You are filled with peace and you have confidence.

‌This morning we are remembering Pentecost. Last week we looked at the Ascension of Jesus and we saw how the disciples were filled with great joy even though Jesus was leaving them.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 12:18-27
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 12:18-27

Many times when we come up against the religious leaders in the Book of Mark, it reminds me of the old 1960s Batman television show. Remember when the Riddler would be on there? Riddle me this, Batman. Many times the religious leaders, the Sadducees and the Pharisees come to Jesus and they're scheming and they're like, Let's come up with something, some scenario where we'll trick him. And every time Jesus gets the best of them, doesn't he? Well, here we have them giving this ridiculous scenario. Now, of course, this scenario could theoretically happen. There's nothing keeping this from happening, especially in a day and age without antibiotics and modern medical care, having this many people die when all these people are having many more children, more than likely.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 12:13-17
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 12:13-17

Here in the Gospel of Mark, there's always something fun going on. Obviously we're going to get to some things that aren't so fun. But this is a fun story to me, because once again they're trying to trick Jesus. They are sending in their best. They got people ready to go.

They are going to get him. We finally got him. We're going to get him on whether or not you should pay taxes. All right, so let's see what Jesus did. Well, they come to him and they butter him up.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 12:1-12
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 12:1-12

This is another one of the parables that is a judgment against the Pharisees and against the religious rulers and against the people of Israel who have rejected the prophets and now are rejecting the Christ. And so, what is Jesus talking about here? What is this parable? Well, we just read it, but let's review it just a little bit. The idea here is that this man got this vineyard and this wine press and did everything to this property to prepare it to yield the harvest. He sends servants to do the harvest, and the people that work there keep killing them or beating them.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 11:27-33
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 11:27-33

So, to understand this passage for today, we need to think back. We need to remember what happened when Jesus came in for the triumphal entry. What did Jesus do? Where did he go? And what was the big deal about what happened when he went there? Well, he went to the temple. Now, remember, when we talk about Jesus going to the temple, he is not going to the temple and going into the most holy place. He wouldn't have been allowed there because he wasn't a priest and a Levite. So, when we say that Jesus went to the temple, he went to the outer court.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 11:20-25
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 11:20-25

Our passage for today has this going back to that fig tree from just a few verses ago. They're coming back to Jerusalem and they see the fig tree again. It's the morning, and Peter notices and points out that what Jesus had commanded, what he had cursed had come to pass. And so, Jesus takes this opportunity to have a little discussion with his disciples about prayer, and he says to them to have faith in God. Now, Jesus goes on to use some hyperbole. He says, Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be taken up and thrown to the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, believes that what he says will come to pass, it'll be done for him. ' Now, is Jesus suggesting that his disciples should renovate the landscape of the Middle East using their faith? No, he is not.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 11:12-19
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 11:12-19

Our passage today, because it happens during the period of Passion Week, is relatively familiar for us. We're not sure what to do with a lot of it, but we know the story, and we are probably familiar with Mark's quick telling of it because it's just easy to remember. It's a quick hit of it. But these events happen in other Gospels. Now, we usually read through the text, and we don't want to do too much interpretation in light of what is coming after, because if we're reading it for the first time, we don't know what is coming.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 11:1-11
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 11:1-11

So, where we land today with the triumphal entry, has us understanding one thing as we continue through the Book of Mark. Business is about to pick up. This is the beginning of passion week. We see Jesus arriving near Jerusalem, and he asked for his disciples to get the cold. We know this story. And ultimately, what is happening here is Jesus is coming into the city and people have heard about him. We've been seeing the excitement surrounding Jesus, the people who have been following him and people thinking they know who he is. And now this excitement is going to follow him into Jerusalem where things are a little bit different. So far he has not been around Jerusalem.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 10:46-52
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 10:46-52

So, as we land here in the end of chapter 10, we come across another story of Jesus healing. And what do we see about Jesus here? Who is he with? He's with his disciples. We expect that. And once again, we see something else we expect because we've seen it so many times in the Gospel of Mark, he is with a crowd. And so, he is walking and Jesus is in the midst of all these people, and the word gets out. Now, it seems as though Bartimaeus must have been able to ascertain that this was a crowd, and the word must have gotten to him that Jesus was the reason for the crowd. He can't see Jesus himself.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 10:32-45
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 10:32-45

Where we land today is one of my favorite passages from the Gospel of Mark. It's an interesting story. We have seen the disciples asking questions that are getting them in trouble with Jesus because they are seeking to elevate themselves. They're not seeking to be servants. And this one has two of the best-known disciples doing just that: James and John go up to Jesus and ask to sit at his right-hand and his left hand in his glory.

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May 2 Sermon: Equipped with Everything Good
Mark Groen Mark Groen

May 2 Sermon: Equipped with Everything Good

We all know how important it is to have the right equipment. Whether it is the tool to do a job that you have been tasked with or needing the right equipment to participate in a sporting event there are certain things that you need to perform a task correctly. I think we’ve all been in the middle of a project and discovered that we are either missing an essential part or a helpful tool. Perhaps you are a parent who got to spring baseball or softball season and discovered that your child has grown more than you realized and now not only are you needing to buy new cleats but also a new glove too.

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Dwell in the Word Mark 10:17-31
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word Mark 10:17-31

Like I said, this is a big chunk of text today getting us through a whole lot of Mark Chapter 10. It is, once again, a very well-known story. And here it is. This young man comes up to Jesus and asks what he has to do to inherit eternal life. Well, the first thing that Jesus does is confusing to us because we know that Jesus is good. He is without sin. But what does he ask the young man? Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. What Jesus is trying to do for this young man here is to say, Hey, look, only God is good. Jesus isn't saying that he isn't good, that Jesus himself isn't good. He is saying that you need to understand that only God is perfectly holy.

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