Devotions: Receive Your King
Day 1: The Sovereignty of God
Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:15-20
Reflection: Today’s scripture reminds us that Christ’s sovereignty extends over all creation. As the firstborn of all creation, Jesus holds preeminence in everything, including His authority and power over the universe. His ascension into heaven and seating at the Father's right hand mark the ultimate affirmation of His divine sovereignty.
May 12 Sermon: Receive Your King
This past Thursday was Ascension Day, forty days after the resurrection. Christians believe and we confess that the Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and you have probably taken note over the years that whenever we get to this Sunday I make some sort of comment about how this is a pretty forgotten doctrine. But I do say that for a reason. This is a pretty forgotten doctrine, but I do say that for a reason. It is rather something that we don't consider all the time. As I've mentioned before, I don't have very many books in my library, whether digitally or in physical form, about the Ascension. I used to say I only had one. I now have two. Whoo, I doubled my books on the as ascension. I used to say I only had one, I now have two. I doubled my books on the ascension.