June 9, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
Vacation Bible School: We look forward to a fun-filled week of VBS! If you signed up to help, please be at First Reformed Church around 8:40 a.m. We are ready to dive into God's Word, sing His praises, and create new friendships along the way! Thank you to everyone who helped make this week possible! Everyone is invited to attend our VBS program at SWC - Elementary Campus on Friday, June 14, at 11:30 a.m.

April 28, 2024 Bulletin Announcement
RCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano
Today is the LAST DAY to donate to the spring FRCW Funding Focus: Fellowship Room Electronic Piano. Please take an envelope from the display near the welcome desk, insert the dollar amount on the envelope (or any amount you’d like to give), and put it into the marked box. Thank you!
Morning Coffee Volunteers: There is a signup sheet looking for volunteers to help with morning coffee before church. If you want to be added to the schedule, please talk to Tricia Jouwstra or Caty Arp.

2024 Presbytery and General Assembly Schedule
Presbytery Meetings:
January 26-27, 2024 at First Presbyterian Church in Waukegan, IL
April 26-27, 2024 at Aplington Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Aplington, IA
September 27-27 at Hogarty Community Church in Aniwa, WI
General Assembly:
June 18-20 at Hope Church in Cordova, TN

September 17, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
Join Us today at 6:30 pm. at the Softball Field for a slow-pitch softball game against Edge Youth! Concessions will be available (popcorn, pickles, drinks, and bars). Everyone is encouraged to come watch.
Presbytery: Please keep Pastor Mark and the Elders in your prayers as they attend the Rivers and Lakes Presbytery meeting of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church at Riverside Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Sartell, MN on Friday & Saturday. This is the final step of our congregation’s reception into the EPC.