October 1, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
The RCW Fall Soup Supper will be this Wednesday, October 4, from 5-7 p.m. Please check the sign-up sheet by the welcome desk and see what’s still needed (please use new soup recipes)! Men, your help would be appreciated! If you’re bringing soup before noon Wednesday, please put it in the fridge. If after noon, please bring soup warm. Please have soups and desserts at church by 4 p.m. Thank you!
Prayer Chain: Introducing our updated Text Message Prayer Chain! Stay connected with our faith community through prayer requests and updates. Text EFRCPRAYER to 84576 to subscribe and be a part of this powerful network of prayer. If you have a prayer request to add to the Prayer Chain, you can text or call 507-369-6275. We suggest putting this number in your contacts so you have it when you need it! Prayer items will only be added to the Prayer Chain by request from the person themselves or a close family member. If you are unable to receive text messages, please let Caty Arp know, and we will put together a traditional prayer chain via phone calls with those who are unable to receive text messages.