November 24, 2024 Bulletin Announcement


Pigs-in-the-Blanket:  There are pigs-in-the-blanket available to purchase.  Contact Linda or Mary Ann.

Peter Fish Piggy Banks: Please remember to return your Peter Fish Banks during the Children's Message on Thanksgiving Day. All donations will go to the Edgerton Food Shelf, helping to provide for those in need this holiday season. Thank you for your generosity and support!  

Note:  Next week the bulletin will be printed early.  Please have all announcements in by 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday.

Operation Christmas Child boxes are due back this next week.  Please pick up a box if you haven’t already done so.  Collection dates are November 18 through November 25 at noon.  Please know that your shoebox gift brings more than just children to Jesus, it brings entire families that get involved and learn about our Savior.

Edgerton Food Shelf Angel Tree: We invite you to participate in our Third Annual Angel Tree/Gift Drive at First Reformed Church. The tree, located in the entryway, is decorated with ornaments, each representing a gift request or need. Simply take an ornament, purchase the item listed, and place the unwrapped gift in the tote beside the tree. We will be collecting items from Nov. 25 - Dec. 18. By doing so, you'll help us bring a little extra holiday cheer to local Food Shelf members in need. Let’s make this season brighter together!

Volunteer OpportunityWe are seeking a volunteer to lead a brief, 5-minute children's message during our service. It would be around 6 times a year. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your faith and inspire the youngest members of our congregation with a simple, heartfelt message. If you feel called to serve in this way, please reach out to Caitlin Arp. 

Thanksgiving Meal:  No plans for Thanksgiving Day lunch?  Join us after the Thanksgiving Day Service, on Thursday, November 28 at 11:00 a.m.  Serving turkey, ham and all the other holiday favorites.  Please call or text Jason (507-227-5739) or Shanna Snyder (507-227-3953) and RSVP with the number of guests (so we have enough food) or stop in church and talk to Pastor Mark.  This invitation is open to anyone. Please no take-out or delivery.

Coffee Break:  There will be no Coffee Break on November 27.  (Morning and Evening)

 ATLAS:  As we approach the week of Thanksgiving, ATLAS for Life would like to express our thanks and gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His continued provision. And with that, our thanks to church and community members who have supported ATLAS in 2024. Your prayers, presence in our building, support of the Always Growing Greenhouse, the Christmas rummage, memorial gifts, grants received, volunteer hours, and general gift giving have assisted in touching many lives for Christ. We covet your continued prayers and support as we close out this year and look forward to what the Lord has planned for us in 2025.

Upcoming Dates:
Thanksgiving Service  -  November 28 at 9:30 a.m.
Congregational Meeting  -  December 2 at 7:00 p.m.
(To select Elders & Deacons and to approve budget)
Christmas Candlelight Service  -  December 22 at 6:30 p.m.



December 1, 2024 Bulletin Announcement


November 17, 2024 Bulletin Announcement