May 26, 2024 Bulletin Announcement


 Prayer Warriors:  We invite everyone to be a prayer warrior!  Grab a list of all those attending RYM-Colorado, and be in prayer for them as they prepare to leave and while they are on the trip. Edge Youth and chaperones will be leaving June 9, and return June 15. 

Care Packages:  Thank You to everyone who grabbed a care package for the Edge Youth trip to RYM-Colorado! Please fill them and return them on or before June 7th! 

Vacation Bible School:  Join us for a fun-filled week of being immersed in the Word and discovering what Living Water is all about! Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible School for June 10-14. Please get signed up by May 26! (No walk-ins this year.) Helpers: We are also in need of more adult helpers for the week. If you can help, please sign up on the sheet at the registration table or talk to one of your church VBS Directors! 

Custodial Position:  Greg and Caty Arp have resigned as church custodians and so we are currently seeking a new custodian. If you have a heart for service and wish to help maintain a clean, welcoming environment where our church family gathers to worship, we'd love to hear from you! A job description outlining the responsibilities and expectations is available for those interested in applying. For more information or to request a copy of the job description, please speak to Kyle Wassink or another deacon.

Royal Family Kids Camp is in need of snacks and drinks to bless our guides who run after our energetic campers all day. Looking for donations of bars, salty snacks, cookies, cheese/crackers or dip, and drinks for the week of camp, June 3-6.  Guides are given a time of snacks and rest during our nightly debriefing and meetings. If you are willing to provide snacks and/or drinks for RFK Camp, please contact Evon Van Hofwegen (507-920-0265) to tell her what you’d like to bring, and put any snack donations in the First CRC kitchen, labeled RFK, by Saturday, June 1.  Thanks for blessing the camp and its mission!

 Free Speaking event Trenton Bass, his friends, and coach Rex Metzger will be doing an event in Hills on June 2, 2024.  Doors open at 3;15 p.m. and the presentation begins at 4:00 p.m. Dan LaRock will be our moderator. It is the first time Trenton has addressed all of his faithful community supporters and we hope you can attend! He has grown so much in his faith and he is truly such an inspiration to hear how God is using him. I hope you can make it! For more information please see the poster on the bulletin board in the narthex.  If you could RSVP by sending an email to with the number of attendees, that would be great so we can set up seating accordingly.

Hope Haven's Fishing BenefitLooking for a reason to do some fishing on the Missouri River this summer? Here’s your chance! Hope Haven invites you to join us for the 26th Annual Fishing Benefit on Friday, June 7 starting at 7 am at Fort Randall Dam in Pickstown, SD. The registration fee is $60 per angler and children under 16 are free. The entry fee includes incredible weigh-in prizes for all categories, an entry gift, and a grab-and-go pork loin meal! Register online at or call/email Brenda Gisolf at 712.476.3116 or



June 2, 2024 Bulletin Announcement


May 19, 2024 Bulletin Announcement