Resurrection Sunday 2024: From Mourning to Mission
Easter is unexpected. The resurrection is unexpected. The truth of what we celebrate this morning, what we remember, it's familiar to us and so I think we struggle to fully wrap our minds around how extraordinary the story is. But put yourself in the story and as you do this, you can see just how amazing the resurrection is. Because the hopes that the followers of Jesus had for who he was and who he was going to be, they were dashed.
Marked By Grace: Day 47
The Resurrection – A Message of Hope and Commission
Scripture: Mark 16:1-8
Mark's account of the resurrection focuses on the women who go to anoint Jesus' body, only to find the tomb empty and an angelic messenger announcing Jesus' resurrection. This event is the cornerstone of Christian faith, signifying Jesus' victory over death and the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan. The women's initial response of fear and bewilderment reflects the astonishing nature of the resurrection. Despite their initial fear, they receive a message of hope and a commission to tell the disciples. This passage invites us to embrace the resurrection's joy and hope and share this life-changing news with others.
Marked By Grace: Day 46
The Burial of Jesus and Acts of Devotion
Scripture: Mark 15:42-47
This passage describes the burial of Jesus, a significant act undertaken by Joseph of Arimathea, a council member, who displays courage and devotion by requesting Jesus' body from Pilate. The careful preparation of Jesus’ body and its placement in a tomb, witnessed by Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Joses, are acts of respect and love. This account contrasts the honor given to Jesus in death by these individuals with the rejection and humiliation He faced before His crucifixion. It challenges us to consider how we honor Jesus and the importance of devotion and respect in our relationship with Him.
Marked By Grace: Day 45
The Death of Jesus and Its Significance
Scripture: Mark 15:33-41
In these verses, Mark describes the final moments of Jesus' life, including the darkness over the land, Jesus' cry of abandonment, His death, and the temple curtain tearing in two. Jesus' cry, quoting Psalm 22:1, expresses the depth of His suffering and alienation as He bears the weight of humanity's sin. The tearing of the temple curtain symbolizes the removal of the barrier between God and humankind, granting direct access to God through Jesus' sacrifice. The centurion's recognition of Jesus as the Son of God underscores the irony that a Gentile sees what many Jews did not. This passage calls us to reflect on the profound spiritual significance of Jesus' death and its impact on our relationship with God.
Maundy Thursday 2024: He Gave, They Drank
We mark time with the events of our lives, with the holidays and the family celebrations that we use on an annual basis or on a regular basis. This sort of helps us to keep track of the progression of our lives, of the progression of our lives. For example, we will remember the last Christmas dinner that a loved one was present at. We think of those things. Well, what year was that? Well, that was the last year that Grandma was at Christmas. We also use things to remember whether someone was born, not just on the other end of life, but at the beginning of life.
Marked By Grace: Day 44
The Crucifixion – A Display of Love and Sacrifice
Scripture: Mark 15:21-32
This segment of Mark's Gospel narrates the crucifixion of Jesus, a pivotal moment in the Christian faith. Simon of Cyrene's compelled involvement symbolizes the shared burden of the cross. The crucifixion scene, with the inscription of the charge against Jesus, “King of the Jews,” and the division of His garments, fulfills Old Testament prophecies. The mocking and taunts from bystanders, religious leaders, and even the criminals crucified alongside Him contrast sharply with Jesus’ silent endurance, highlighting His profound humility and sacrificial love. This narrative challenges us to reflect on the magnitude of Jesus’ suffering and the depth of His love for humanity.
Marked By Grace: Day 43
Mockery and Suffering as Part of the Passion
Scripture: Mark 15:16-20
This passage describes the brutal mockery and suffering Jesus endures at the hands of the Roman soldiers. Crowned with thorns, clothed in a purple robe, and repeatedly struck and insulted, Jesus experiences profound humiliation and pain. This display of cruelty highlights the depth of human depravity and the extent of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sake. The mockery of Jesus as a king, though meant to belittle, ironically affirms the truth of His kingship in a way the soldiers do not understand. This episode invites us to contemplate the gravity of Jesus’ passion and the love and humility embodied in His journey to the cross.
Marked By Grace: Day 42
Injustice and the Sovereignty of God
Scripture: Mark 15:1-15
In this passage, Jesus is presented before Pilate, where He faces accusations from the chief priests. Recognizing Jesus' innocence and the chief priests' envy, Pilate attempts to release Him. However, the crowd, influenced by the chief priests, demands Jesus' crucifixion and the release of Barabbas. This event showcases the tragic miscarriage of justice and the fickle nature of public opinion. It also reveals God's sovereignty, as even through these unjust actions, His redemptive plan is being fulfilled. This narrative challenges us to reflect on how we respond to injustice and to recognize God’s overarching purpose amid human failings.
Marked By Grace: Day 41
Peter's Denial and the Challenge of Faithfulness
Scripture: Mark 14:66-72
This passage details Peter's denial of Jesus, contrasting his earlier declarations of unwavering loyalty. Peter's failure under the pressure of fear and the immediacy of the rooster’s crowing after his third denial fulfills Jesus' prediction. This incident exposes the vulnerability of human courage and the ease with which one can falter under societal pressure. Peter's bitter weeping upon realizing his failure illustrates the pain of recognizing personal weakness and betrayal. This narrative invites us to reflect on our faithfulness to Christ, especially when confronted with the fear of rejection or persecution.
Devotions: Your King Is Coming
Day 1: Prophecy and Expectation
Bible Reading: Zechariah 9:9; John 12:12-16
Today, we reflect on the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy through the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. As you read Zechariah's prophecy, consider how it speaks of a king who brings peace, not war. Then, in John's account, witness how Jesus' entrance on a donkey contrasts sharply with the crowd's expectations of a political liberator. Reflect on areas where your expectations of God might not align with His plans. Are there ways in which you might expect God to act according to your desires rather than submit to His will? Spend time in prayer, asking God to align your heart with His purposes.
Palm Sunday 2024: Your King Is Coming
While parades aren't quite the big deal that they maybe were in the past, parades are still a significant thing, aren't they? They are quite a spectacle. You arrive early, you wait for it to start and you just make conversation with the people. You just happen to be around and there is a sense of anticipation that the parade is about to start. But it's different because it doesn't have the excitement of a tip-off of a basketball game or the kick-off of a football game, for example. Instead of cheering in anticipation or waiting for something like that to start, instead, a parade normally starts with reverence and respect because the flags come and you stand in your quiet as the flag comes by. But then you have that moment where the flag has passed by and you're not sure how long you're supposed to stand in reverence, but, pretty quick, the people around you sit as well, and then the spectacle of sight and sound begins. There's marching bands, there's people throwing out candy, there's politicians making their way around to shake as many hands and kiss as many babies as they possibly can, and then you see old tractors and new tractors, a variety of floats, people waving at you.
Marked By Grace: Day 40
The Trial and Testimony of Jesus
Scripture: Mark 14:53-65
In this passage, Jesus stands trial before the high priest and the council. The false testimonies and accusations highlight the injustice of the trial. Jesus remains silent, embodying the prophecy of being like a lamb led to the slaughter. His admission of being the Messiah and the Son of God, in response to the high priest’s question, leads to charges of blasphemy. This pivotal moment reveals the stark contrast between human injustice and divine truth. Jesus' steadfastness in the face of false accusations and His clear testimony about His identity challenges us to consider our faithfulness in proclaiming and standing for the truth.
Marked By Grace: Day 39
Betrayal and Desertion
Scripture: Mark 14:43-52
This passage recounts the betrayal of Jesus by Judas and His subsequent arrest. The betrayal with a kiss, a symbol of friendship and respect, makes the act more poignant and treacherous. The disciples' desertion, fulfilling Jesus’ prediction of their scattering, demonstrates their fear and the fragility of human commitment under pressure. This event underscores the loneliness and human vulnerability Jesus faced on the path to fulfilling His redemptive mission. It invites us to contemplate the depth of Jesus' sacrifice and examine our faithfulness in times of trial and fear.
Marked By Grace: Day 38
Surrender and Strength in Gethsemane
Scripture: Mark 14:32-42
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus experiences profound anguish as He anticipates the suffering of the cross. His prayer, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will,” reveals His deep distress yet complete submission to the Father’s will. This moment highlights the human vulnerability of Jesus and the strength found in surrendering to God's plan. The disciples’ inability to stay awake serves as a reminder of human weakness and the need for spiritual vigilance. This passage invites us to reflect on our response to difficult situations and the importance of aligning our will with God's.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 6: Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof
In our faith journey, understanding the nature of sin and its impact on our lives is crucial for personal growth and spiritual development. Chapter 6 of the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF), titled "Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof," offers profound insights into sin's origin, nature, and consequences. This chapter is a theological exposition and a roadmap that helps believers navigate the challenges of living in a fallen world. Let's break down the critical points of this chapter in a way that's accessible and meaningful for everyday life.
Marked By Grace: Day 37
The Last Supper and a Call to Faithfulness
Scripture: Mark 14:12-31
This passage describes the Last Supper, where Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper, symbolizing His body and blood given for humanity. This sacrament invites believers to remember and proclaim Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus' prediction of His betrayal by Judas and Peter's denial reveals the frailty of even the closest followers, pointing to the need for vigilance and humility in our faith journey. Despite these impending betrayals, Jesus speaks of His resurrection, offering hope and restoration. This section calls us to self-examination, remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice, and faithfulness in our commitment to Him.
Marked By Grace: Day 36
Sacrificial Love and Costly Worship
Scripture: Mark 14:1-11
This passage presents a stark contrast between the sacrificial act of worship by the woman who anoints Jesus and the betrayal planned by Judas Iscariot. The woman’s anointing Jesus with expensive perfume is a profound expression of devotion and recognition of His worth, even though it draws criticism for its extravagance. Jesus defends her action as preparation for His burial, highlighting the significance of her deed. In contrast, Judas' agreement to betray Jesus for money reflects a heart turned away from true devotion to Christ. This juxtaposition invites us to examine our acts of worship and devotion to Jesus, considering their sincerity and depth.
Marked By Grace: Day 35
Watchfulness and Faithfulness
Scripture: Mark 13:28-37
In this concluding part of Mark 13, Jesus uses the fig tree parable to teach about discerning the signs of the times, indicating the nearness of God's kingdom. He emphasizes the need for constant watchfulness, as the exact time of His return is unknown. The call to stay awake spiritually is a metaphor for living a life of readiness and faithfulness, being attentive to our duties as followers of Christ. This passage challenges us to live each day with the expectation of Jesus’ return, faithfully carrying out the work He has entrusted to us.
Marked By Grace: Day 34
Vigilance in Times of Tribulation
Scripture: Mark 13:14-27
This part of Mark 13 describes the great tribulation, a period of unprecedented difficulty and distress. Jesus warns about the severity of this time, urging His followers to be alert and prepared. The instruction to flee when the 'abomination of desolation' is seen highlights the urgency and seriousness of the situation. Despite the grim picture, Jesus assures His followers of His eventual return in glory, bringing redemption and hope. This passage encourages us to maintain vigilance in our faith, be prepared for difficult times, and hold onto the hope of Christ's coming.
Devotions: Faithful Unto Death
Day 1: Revelation 2:8-11 - Christ's Message to Smyrna
Reading: Revelation 2:8-11
Devotional Thought: As we begin our journey of fortifying our faith, let's contemplate the resilience of the early Christians in Smyrna. They faced intense persecution, yet Christ reminded them of the ultimate victory over death. Today, let's meditate on what it means to be spiritually rich despite earthly poverty and to hold onto the hope of the eternal crown.
Reflection Question: How can you find comfort in Jesus’ title as “the First and the Last” in your current circumstances?