Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 8:1-22
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 8:1-22

And so, we have quite a few verses that we are looking at today, but there is an overarching theme that I want us to come away with here. We see here, Isaiah going into his wife, who he refers to as the Prophetess, because he's been told he'll have a child and that there will be judgment before this child is able to speak, before the child is able to speak, father or mother. Well, the imagery that is used here is the idea of a flood. And so, back in this day, the Euphrates would flood and would go to the edge of the banks. It was very damaging, like any flood, right?

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 7:10-25
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 7:10-25

This is a passage that is a little bit of a struggle for us because we're looking to have a quick reading and some quick devotional thoughts. But with a prophetic book, it can be easy to get in the weeds, or in this case, to get into the Briars and Thorns. Now, as we come to the beginning of this, we see some words that are quite familiar to us. We recognize this passage in this prophetic word.

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 7:1-9
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 7:1-9

So, here we see this prophetic word that God is sending to King Ahas through Isaiah. And we see that there is some conspiring going on. Now we need to remember, there is a divided kingdom here. It's tough for us to talk through this because when we think of Israel, we think of all 12 tribes, unified together. But we have to remember there was a divided kingdom after Solomon.

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 6:8-13
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 6:8-13

In the first part of Isaiah 6, we saw his response to the absolute holiness of God. He said that it wasn't just the people around him who had unclean lips. He himself was a man with unclean lips, and God cleansed him. He brought that coal from the fire, did the cherubim, and made him clean, sin was atone for. So, we see something important here that Isaiah responds to what God has done. God says something here.

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 6:1-7
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 6:1-7

Well, here we are in Isaiah 6, and just like a few days back, I have a memory of a song from 90s Christian music to remind me of this passage. Just a few days back, I mentioned the song Women of Zion by Johnny Q-Public. Well, today the song is Isaiah 6 from the punk band called One Bad Pig. Yes, that was their name. They even had a little mascot who was a pig dressed in leather and it had spikes and stuff. Yeah, it was interesting.

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 5:8-30
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 5:8-30

Once again, we have a story of God judging the people of Jerusalem, people of Judah, people of Israel for their unfaithfulness. We see here God describing what this is going to be through the Prophet, Isaiah. We read these woes and these things that we see that they are doing. We see some interesting stuff. Now, some of you, perhaps when I read verse 11, heard the words, Woe to those who rise early in the morning. You thought, That's right. You need to sleep in. You need to get plenty of sleep.

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 5:1-7
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 5:1-7

And so, we see this theme continuing in what we have seen in the Book of Isaiah so far, this idea that God is not happy with the way the people of Judah have been living, that they have not been doing justice, that they have been living in sin and rejecting Him. And so now we are getting an illustration, and God is using, through the Prophet, Isaiah, this idea of a vineyard. So, we see here that they're speaking of this vineyard that his beloved has, a vineyard on a very fertile hill.

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 4:2-6
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 4:2-6

As you remember, on Monday, we heard about the Daughters of Zion. Remember, they were the bald women. I shared with you that I remembered the Johnny Q. Public song from the late 90s or maybe the mid-90s, whenever alternative was a big thing, the song Daughters of Zion. And that was the theme, the idea that those who had affluence, those who had money, were going to be brought low by the judgment of the Lord.

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 3:1-4:1
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 3:1-4:1

I told you that this was an interesting passage, and I didn't lie, right? This is an interesting passage in many ways, a fun memory for me. There was an official alternative band in the mid-nineties, late '90s maybe, called Johnny Q-Public that had a silly, funny song on their first album called a Bald Women. No, it was Women of Zion. As I was reading this, that song was going through my head.

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 2:6-22
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 2:6-22

In the first part of Chapter Two, we read about this time where everyone is going towards God and there will be peace. It's the whole famous beat their swords and plowshares passage, right? Then the tone turns to a tone of judgment. The idea here is that there is idolatry, there is rebellion against God, and that has to be punished. And once again, we see another example of the way that idolatry is spoken of

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 2:1-5
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 2:1-5

This is probably one of the better-known passages from the beginning of the Book of Isaiah. Maybe Isaiah 6, we know a little bit better, but I don't think so. I think this passage with going to the mountain of the Lord and people beating their swords into plowshares, that is a very well-known part of this beginning of Isaiah. Now notice what it says here, It shall come to pass in latter days.

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 1:21-31
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 1:21-31

Well, we see here that Isaiah isn't messing around, is he? Isaiah is using strong language. Notice how this chapter starts out, verse 21. This is difficult for us to say, difficult for us to hear, how the faithful city has become a whore. She who was full of justice, righteousness lodged in her, but now murderous.

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Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 1:1-20
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Isaiah 1:1-20

As we start out here in Isaiah 1, we see some beautiful language. You can tell, by the way, this is laid out here that this is more poetic language. It is a prophetic word. It is a prophetic statement. There's a poetic nature to this, and it's beautiful language and it's powerful. As you read it, maybe as you heard me read it, you get a sense of the gravity of these words and the way that they are brought together, the images that it brings to our minds.

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Dwell in the Word: Jonah 4:1-11
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Jonah 4:1-11

So, this last chapter of Jonah gives us some insight into the first chapter of Jonah, right? We get a better idea of the personality of Jonah. Why he was stubborn to not do what God had asked him to do. We understand this a little bit better now, don't we? And so, we see that Jonah doesn't like that the Ninevites are repenting. He doesn't like that God is not going to pour out his anger on them, that they will not receive his wrath. Remember, he would have seen them as outsiders.

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Dwell in the Word: Jonah 3:1-10
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Jonah 3:1-10

This chapter of Jonah is really an amazing one, isn't it? Can you imagine a prophet walking through, telling people to repent and people believing it and turning from their sin and fasting and putting on sackcloth? We can't imagine that because we don't know what it looks like, but you understand what I'm saying. Can you imagine people turning from their sin and mass? People turning and repenting and believing God about their sin.

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Dwell in the Word: Jonah 2:1-10
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Jonah 2:1-10

The book of Jonah is a book that I always like to go back to. I think maybe you probably feel some of the same things. It's one of those Bible stories that you know it really well, from having a working knowledge of it to having it be a Sunday school classic, and you come to it, and you learn something because you realize that, Oh, there's this detail that I missed because I was so busy glossing over certain things because I thought I knew it all already.

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Dwell in the Word: Jonah 1:1-17
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Jonah 1:1-17

Here we find ourselves in the very familiar story of Jonah. This is a Sunday school favorite. We see in this story things that we know, but there are some important things that we can learn from this story, even though it's one that we know so well. We see here that Jonah receives the word of the Lord. Jonah is a prophet. He knows that this is God speaking to him.

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June 12 Sermon: Joseph's Generosity
Mark Groen Mark Groen

June 12 Sermon: Joseph's Generosity

A common cliche is that you will catch far more flies with honey that you will with vinegar. Now, I’ve never put this statement to a literal test. Perhaps if I had a little more free time this past week I would have gotten things together to have a little experiment of this statement. We know it is likely true without testing it but we know that the point of this cliche isn’t actually whether honey would catch more flies than vinegar. Our grandmothers or some other wise individual that transmitted this information to us were wanting us to understand that if we are kind and loving people are more likely to be drawn to us than if we talk to people harshly and treat them poorly.

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Dwell in the Word: Galatians 6:1-18
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Galatians 6:1-18

As we come here to the close of Galatians 6, we continue to see Paul's tone shifting a little bit again, don't we? He is very concerned with their Holy living. And this seems interesting because Paul's tone has been harsh, yet he's telling people to help people with their transgressions with a spirit of gentleness. Paul said anything but a spirit of gentleness earlier on, but notice what the distinction is.

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Dwell in the Word: Galatians 5:16-26
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Galatians 5:16-26

We land here at the end of chapter five, and it's starting to feel like maybe that the tone is starting to shift a little bit. There's a little bit more maybe friendliness to the exhortation. Maybe that's not the right word. But you can see here where Paul is really encouraging them to continue to live by faith and live their lives in a particular way. He is encouraging them not to gratify the desires flesh.

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