Dwell in the Word: 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: 2 Corinthians 1:1-11

As I said, right off the bat, Paul gets into this issue that they are having with the church in Corinth. And you can see here, how does he refer to God? Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies. Okay, so that is a part of comfort, right? The idea that God shows mercy to people.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 14:1-9
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 14:1-9

So, as we come to the end of the book of Hosea, we have seen an interesting flow to the story, right? It all started out with Hosea being told to marry Gomer and it's a picture for us of the unfaithfulness of the people of Israel, the people of God and the faithful one who is God. Hosea represents the faithful one and Gomer is Israel who has, has turned aside to adultery.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 13:1-16
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 13:1-16

 Now I know what you are thinking today. This is exactly what I wanted. This is the kind of imagery I wanted for devotional thoughts today as I looked at God's Word. Obviously, nobody is thinking that. This is very harsh language. This is difficult stuff to read, difficult. stuff to hear. But what it shows us is the unfaithfulness of Israel.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 12:2-14
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 12:2-14

 So, as we come here to the 12th chapter, we see Hosea using the story of Jacob as an example of what Israel should do, right? So, we start here that that all the way back in the womb Jacob was seen by us as we read the book of genesis to be struggling with God and that's the idea there. He took his brother by the heel and in his manhood, he strove with God in other words from the time that he was young until he was a man he fought with the angel and prevailed He wept and sought the favor of the angel and notice what it says He met God at Bethel and there, God spoke with us.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 11:1-12:1
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 11:1-12:1

 The situation here is spelled out for us clearly once again, and we see it in verse 2. Even though God has called his people to himself, even though he has rescued them, we see that the more they were called, the more they went away. They kept sacrificing to the Baals and burning offerings to idols. Now, you don't have to read the entire Old Testament to see the truth of this.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 9:1-10:15
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 9:1-10:15

 As I said, that's a lot of text there, but you can see why it's really one thought. It's a flowing judgment that is coming from God. And we see it starts out, hey, people, don’t rejoice. Don't be like people who are allowed to have joy. You have forsaken your God. And so, the prophet goes on here to speak of what is going to happen.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 8:1-14
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 8:1-14

 Oh, Israel, things are not going well for you and for Judah and for Ephraim. Nothing good is happening here, is it? Even when they make claims that they are following God, God exposes their idolatry and their wickedness. And we see this right as we come to verse 2 here. To me they cry, my God, we, Israel, know you.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 6:1-7:16
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 6:1-7:16

As we start out, I just want to ask you a question, if for no other reason for you to consider it. Have you spent some time in Hosea before? Have you done anything other than just read through it to read it? Have you stopped and thought about what is happening here and, and the harshness of this language?

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 5:1-15
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 5:1-15

 As I've mentioned several times as we've been reading through Hosea, there is so much here that is hard for us to read and so much that is hard for us to hear because it involves the punishment of God. But we have to remember that God is a God who he disciplines his children. The people of Israel had turned away.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 4:1-19
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 4:1-19

 This is arguably some of the harshest language we have read so far, isn't it? And it doesn't feel like this was where we should be going, right? Uh, didn't we just look at the end of chapter 3? Afterward, the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God, and David their king, and they shall come in fear to the Lord.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 3:1-5
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 3:1-5

And so, we see here the life of Hosea, once again, reflecting what God is doing with Israel. And so, it's interesting, God tells Hosea to go and buy back, to redeem Gomer. He buys her back, even though she is unfaithful. Even though the average person would say, I'm done. I am not returning to this. I'm not going to put myself through this.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 2:14-23
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 2:14-23

As we start out here in verse 14, as you're, if you're watching on video, you'll see I highlighted just the four words, speak tenderly to her. I thought that was interesting as I was reading this because the previous part of chapter two was not God speaking tenderly. He was speaking a judgment, but yet God loves his people and now he is bringing them grace.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 2:1-13
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 2:1-13

 So, as we come to chapter two, we see the root of the issues that are happening between Israel and God are basically idolatry, right? God is using this imagery of an unfaithful wife to help us to understand how Israel has been unfaithful to him. And so, what do we see here? What are the issues that happen as we see in verse eight?

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February 27 Sermon: Lord of the Sabbath
Mark Groen Mark Groen

February 27 Sermon: Lord of the Sabbath

The idea of the Sabbath is something that we are familiar with. Right there in the very first chapter of our Bibles we find the created order and how God instituted our seven day week in the way that he created everything in six days and then rested on the seventh day. We not only find this in the creation account but it is one of the Ten Commandments and when we find this command of sabbath rest there we find that this fourth commandment is connected back to the creation story. The keeping of the Sabbath was an important part of the rituals of the Old Covenant and by the time of Jesus, many additions to the law had come into being and many of them revolved around the idea of keeping the Sabbath. As I’ve mentioned in talking about the Pharisees in the past, they were known for not only desiring to keep the law but also making laws to help you keep the law.

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Dwell in the Word: Hosea 1:1-11
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Hosea 1:1-11

As we start out, we see that the word of Hosea is coming to both the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Remember, there was the split after King Solomon where Israel was divided into two and one, the Northern Kingdom was Israel, and the Southern Kingdom was Judah. But here we have the word of the Lord coming to Hosea, and he is speaking to both kingdoms.

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Dwell in the Word: Acts 28:17-30
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Acts 28:17-30

 So, it has been quite a journey through 28 chapters of the Book of Acts, has it not? It's been an interesting book. Now remember back to the beginning, what I said. And I, unfortunately, I haven't brought it up for a while because it just hasn't come to mind. But as we think about where the Book of Acts has gone, let's remember what Jesus said at the beginning.

You will be my witnesses to Jerusalem and Judea. And to the ends of the earth, right?

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Dwell in the Word: Acts 28:1-16
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Acts 28:1-16

So, as we land here towards the end of the book of Acts, we continue to have a whole lot of story without much dialogue, don't we? We know that Paul is out and about teaching, but we're not hearing much. about what he is teaching or Much other than he is headed to Rome So we are seeing that Paul is trusting that God is in control and that God is leading him down this path Even though they have recently been shipwrecked that is where we pick up for today so they end up going through this now remember Paul said that an angel of the Lord had told him that they would all survive and so they all end up on this island.

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Dwell in the Word: Acts 27:1-44
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Acts 27:1-44

Well, there are some words in there that are difficult to say. I think I would rather read a genealogy of Old Testament names than read through some of those place names. But what is going on in this story is that Paul is headed to stand before Caesar and there are all kinds of circumstances going against this ship, right?

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Dwell in the Word: Acts 26:12-32
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Acts 26:12-32

And so, here we have, again, in the Book of Acts, The story of Paul's conversion. And so, this is Paul telling Festus and Agrippa how he came to this point. And I want to focus on verses, or verse 26. We've discussed Paul's conversion twice before. We know the story of that. But I want us to take a look at what Paul says about the things of the Christian faith.

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Dwell in the Word: Acts 25:1-26:11
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Dwell in the Word: Acts 25:1-26:11

 So, this is pretty straightforward what is happening. Paul is continuing to make his case before the authorities. I didn't want to Comment too much on chapter 25 because it would have been kind of the same thing that you know Paul is being faithful to witness the gospel. That's an important thing What I wanted to draw out here by going through verse 11 of chapter 26 Is what does Paul say the issue is notice in verses 6 through 8?

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