Dwell in the Word: Acts 13:13-52
We've been following this turn in the book of Acts for quite a while now. We have seen that the gospel is turning from the Jewish people now out to the Gentiles, that they might come to faith in Jesus. And so here we see that Paul and Barnabas are going to the synagogues. They're teaching, uh, they're teaching Hebrew people, Jewish people.
December 26 Sermon: The Beloved Son
We move from one season to another very quickly don’t we. Yesterday was Christmas and while we not quite ready to move on yet, it won’t be long before we do. The joke is always that as soon as one season is done in the stores you show up the next day and the next one is set up. The music is different on the speakers and the previous season is on clearance. Time moves quickly and so does the world around us.
As we return to the book of Luke this morning, we find the story moving very quickly as we move on from the story of the announcement of Jesus and his early life.
Christmas Day Sermon: He Will Save His People
We’ve probably heard all heard the Andy Williams song it’s the most wonderful time of the year a dozen times just in the past few days. You can hardly walk into a store without the catchy little tune making its way into your ears. I’m not going to dispute the claim that it is the most wonderful time of the year at all. Who doesn’t like to hear kids jingle belling and everyone telling you to be of good cheer. It is always good to have loved ones nearby. I’m a little confused by the lyrics about being excited about parties for hosting, that seems like a lot of work. I’m also really confused about the line “marshmallows for toasting”. I think they just needed a line that rhymed with hosting because I’ve never toasted a marshmallow around Christmas, but hey, what do I really know about any of this.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 13:1-12
So, we have learned and continue to see that nothing will stop the advancement of the gospel. Man may come against it, even kings, but God will prevail. And so, the story here in Acts is once again shifting. It's going to show us even further how the gospel is going to the Gentiles. And so, we see this here as we start looking at the church in Antioch. Now there were people there, Barnabas, Simeon, let's see, Lucius, Manan, and Saul. And so, they were praying, they were worshiping, and they received a message from the Holy Spirit telling them that Barnabas and Saul are to be set apart. There's work that they have to do.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 12:20-25
As I said, this is just the perfect story for the Christmas season. Someone being struck down by God and eaten by worms. Yeah, this is an interesting story, to say the least. I always remember it because when I was in my early high school years, I listened to a thrash metal band, a Christian thrash metal band, called Vengeance Rising. And they had a song entitled, “Herod's Violent Death” that was about this incident in the book of Acts. I listened to it this morning, I don't recommend it that you listen to it. It's not terrible But it's just not very good either, but it tells the story and talks about this passage. And so, here we have these five verses what in the world is Luke telling us this story for?
Dwell in the Word: Acts 12:1-19
As the book of Acts continues, we're starting to see this continued story of the persecution that is going on near Jerusalem. Well, we start out learning that James, the son of Zebedee, the brother of John, is killed by Herod. Now, Herod sees that this was popular. The Jews liked the fact that, well, that this persecution was happening, that these people that they did not agree with were being taken care of by Herod.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 11:19-30
The story of the shift of the missionary focus in Acts. continues through chapter 11 here, doesn't it? We see that there is now a church in Antioch. And so, what had happened was, when Stephen was persecuted, when Stephen was martyred, uh, the believers spread out, and they went to all these different cities.
We see Phoenicia and Cyprus, Antioch. While they were speaking the word, and notice what it says here, to no one except Jews. We've talked about this earlier on, specifically on Wednesday. about how they were just going to those who were clean, those who were ritually clean, that they were the ones who were Hebrew people.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 11:1-18
Now, I know it feels like this, what I'm calling the shift in the book of Acts is taking a long time to happen. This is a whole lot of story and there's some repetition, but this just reminds us just how significant this shift is. This shift of going to Jerusalem and Judea, to the ends of the earth.
There's a big gap there because these people were outsiders. They were unclean. The Gentiles were not a part of the people of God. And so, this is going to require a whole lot of understanding, a whole lot of, for lack of a better word, proof that this shift is happening. And so, we have quite a bit here in the book of Acts when we think about it.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 10:34-48
If you will remember back to Friday, you'll remember I said that we were seeing a shift in the Book of Acts. Now, let's remember what is happening in the book of Acts. What is the general theme? That the gospel will go to Jerusalem, Judea, then Samaria, and then the ends of the earth. And so, we're seeing that shift here.
Primarily the gospel has gone in the book of Acts to Hebrew folk, to the Jewish people. But now we're seeing this shift, and we had Cornelius and all of that stuff on Friday. Well, now Peter has gone to those Gentiles and he is doing something. Well, what is that something? He is proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 10:1-33
So, this is a rather well-known portion of the book of acts. Once again, I can remember from my children's Bible. It was kind of like a comic book style of Bible from when I was a child. I can remember this story rather vividly. Uh, I'm guessing that is because the image of a sheet with four ropes at the corners with a whole bunch of animals being, uh, descended was It was sort of bizarre to me at seven or eight years old, and as I always think back on that image and think back on that story, the normal thing that I think about is, OK, this means that I can eat pretty much any kind of meat.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 9:32-43
So, we find the story here in Acts shifting back to Peter for a while. Remember we started in Jerusalem and the gospel went out after Pentecost. We've seen Peter and John doing healing, but then we had this detour. We had the death of Stephen, then we had Saul who was approving of this, then we had the conversion of Saul, then we had Saul proclaiming the gospel coming to Jerusalem, and then the last part that we looked at on Monday.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 9:19-31
One thing that is always interesting in working through a book of the Bible, sort of slowly, is that you find the stories that you, that you know very well. Maybe they were Sunday school stories, such as here's the conversion of Saul being knocked down and the scales on his eyes falling off. Those are stories we always remember.
And then you move on to the next part and you see some interesting details that you know you've learned before, but probably forgot because you were focused. On the other story, and there's really some beautiful stuff here that I think we often forget about the conversion of Saul. And one thing that is just amazing to see is that he immediately proclaims Jesus in the synagogues.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 9:1-19
And so here we have come to a major turning point. in the story in the book of Acts. Remember what we are seeing here in Acts is how the gospel went to Jerusalem, Judea, then Samaria, and then to the ends of the earth. And now we are going to see the instrument that God is going to use to take the gospel to the Gentiles.
Now from what we have seen about Saul thus far, this is not at all what we would expect. He is the one who has been persecuting the church. He is a Hebrew of Hebrews. How is this person who is, and we learn from the rest of the New Testament and his writings, how adamant he was in the ways of the Hebrew, of the Jewish faith, and now he is the one who's going to bring the faith to the Gentiles.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 8:26-40
We find ourselves in another well-known story and a fantastic story about the advancement of the gospel. That is the underlying message that we have seen so far in the book of Acts. Remember this underlying theme that we're looking at, that Jesus said that they would be his witnesses in Jerusalem and Judea.
To Samaria and to the ends of the earth in other words the gospel is going out to all people the Hebrew faith is expanding to Include the gentiles through faith in Jesus. That's the important thing that we have to remember That is what Luke is trying to make sure we understand as the story and so here we come to Philip and the spirit leads him to a particular place where there's an Ethiopian eunuch reading from the book of Isaiah.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 8:4-25
Now we come upon another interesting story here in the book of Acts. It seems like it's one after the other. But we have to remember what we saw on Friday. Remember that there was persecution going on in the church in Jerusalem. And so, they were being scattered. And so, what happens? Now remember, at the beginning of Acts, what did Jesus say the Apostles would do that.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 7:54-8:3
And we see this negative result in what Stephen has proclaimed to the religious leaders of the time. Uh, they are upset with him. He has made some claims and, and one of those claims is that they have always persecuted people and you're just doing it again now. Uh, your father's persecuted the prophets.
And you are just like them. And Stephen is making some bold claims here about who Jesus is. And so, as they are getting angry at him, and you gotta love this language, right? They were enraged, they ground their teeth. You can picture this. While Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazes into heaven and he's able to be given a glimpse of what heaven is like at that present moment.
Thanksgiving Sermon: In All Circumstances
It is a very good thing to be thankful. No one likes someone who comes across as entitled and thankless. To be a person who is grateful and full of thanks is a character trait that is to be desired. But why do we appreciate this characteristic in others and even in ourselves? Why is this a good thing? As I contemplated this question earlier this week the main thing I kept coming back to was that ultimately it takes us outside of ourselves and takes us out of the limelight. If I am thankful it means that I am acknowledging that I am not the center of everything and the one who is sovereign over my life.
Dwell in the Word: Acts 7:1-53
As I said, that was a long one, but you can also see why I didn't want to break it up. It tells one long story and makes one very big point. The point is that throughout the story of redemption, The truth of God's word has been rejected by the people. They turned away from the words of Moses. And as Stephen said here, Which one of the fathers, of which one of the prophets did your fathers not persecute?
Dwell in the Word: Acts 6:1-15
Once again, another interesting story in the book of Acts. The first thing that we see is that there is so much to be done that the apostles are finding themselves not doing a good job of making sure that everybody's needs are met because there are so many people. We see this here that there is a complaint from the Hellenists against them.
Now the Hellenists would have been Greek speaking Jewish people. And so, they were concerned that they were not getting the distribution for their widows. They were being neglected and so they spoke up and so the Apostles Basically say, we just can't keep up, so there needs to be a group of people, and essentially these are deacons who help other people who, uh, while the apostles take care of spiritual matters.
October 21 Sermon: Treasured
There is a great attraction to know what people used to look like. I can remember television shows from years back where they would do features on celebrities and what they looked like and what they did before they became the famous people we knew them as. This phenomenon is obviously not something that has gone away because now you can hardly navigate a website without some sort of “what did so and so look like before they were famous” click bait article staring you in the face. And the proof of the allure of this information is the fact that you have to click through dozens of pages laden with ads to see them. They are banking that after you see a picture of what one celebrity used to look like, you’ll just have to see more.