The Road to Redemption | Day 9: Luke 5:1-26 – Jesus' Authority to Call and Forgive

In Luke 5:1-26, we see the power of Jesus’ call, the scope of His authority, and the joy of forgiveness. First, Jesus calls Simon Peter, along with James and John, to leave their nets and follow Him. The miraculous catch of fish reveals Jesus’ divine power and exposes Peter’s unworthiness, prompting his humble confession, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man." Yet, Jesus responds with grace, commissioning him to fish for people. This scene shows that Jesus uses imperfect people to carry out His mission, transforming them by His power and calling.

The healing of the leper and the paralytic further demonstrates Jesus’ authority. The cleansing of the leper reveals His compassion and His willingness to touch the unclean, foreshadowing His work to cleanse sinners from their defilement. In the healing of the paralytic, Jesus does more than address physical needs; He forgives sins, claiming authority that belongs to God alone. The scribes and Pharisees’ objections expose their unbelief, while the amazed crowds glorify God.

This passage calls us to recognize Jesus’ power and grace, respond to His call with humble obedience, and rejoice in the forgiveness He freely offers to all who come to Him in faith.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How does Peter’s response to the miraculous catch of fish reflect the proper attitude of humility before Jesus?

  2. What does Jesus’ healing of the leper and the paralytic teach us about His power to cleanse and forgive?

  3. In what ways does Jesus’ call to His disciples challenge you to leave behind what hinders you and follow Him wholeheartedly?

Pastor Mark’s sermon on Luke 5:1-11: They Followed Him


The Road to Redemption | Day 10: Luke 5:27-39 – Jesus Calls Sinners to Repentance


The Road to Redemption | Day 8: Luke 4:14-44 – Jesus’ Authority Over All