Devotions: Transformed by the Spirit
Day 1:
Bible Reading: Romans 8:28-30
Devotional: Today, we dive into the doctrine of predestination. Reflect on how God knew you before the foundations of the world and chose you for His glory. Recognize that God's grace is so powerful that it transforms our hearts and minds, drawing us to Him irresistibly. Pray for a deeper understanding of this divine election and its implications for your life.
Question: How does understanding God’s predestination impact your view of His grace?

October 1 Sermon: Transformed by the Spirit
In week four of our series “Understanding Grace” we look at the doctrine of Irresistible Grace. For those appointed to salvation, the Holy Spirit will work in their life to bring them to faith in Jesus Christ.
The Bible teaches us that we are all dead in sin and unable to come to God on our own. However, when the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and draws us to Christ, we understand the irresistible nature of God’s grace.
The doctrine of irresistible grace is a source of great comfort and assurance for believers. It reminds us that our salvation is not dependent on our own efforts, but on the grace of God. It also gives us confidence that God will continue His transforming work in our lives to conform us to the image of His Son.

September 17 Sermon: Adopted by God
One of the most powerful images of salvation in Christ is the idea of being adopted into the family of God. Now, this is an idea that comes through in many parts of Scripture, but it is primarily something that we see in the writings of Paul in the New Testament this idea of adoption, and we can see the ramifications of this concept, because we can observe adoption in the world around us and, as a covenant community, as the people gathered here, we have seen this ourselves in recent memory. We have two children who were baptized into the covenant family of this congregation within very recent memory, and we witness firsthand what adoption means, and it is a picture of what God does for you and I. In the Gospel, children who did not have parents are chosen to be brought into a family. They are brought into the family and they are not second-class members of that family. They are children who are not only legally part of the family, but they're loved, they're cherished, and they also have all the benefits of being in that family.

September 10 Sermon: Fallen Humanity
If I were to ask you to make a list of some of the most recognizable and well known songs it is likely that has you drill down your list, the song Amazing Grace might make it in the top five. It is a tune that is used and recognized even in contexts outside the church. You’ve probably seen a movie that used the tune in a funeral scene. In fact, I thought of two films right off the top of my head and they both used bagpipes, and, as soon as i thought of them the images of the films were brought to mind. Many people who have rarely darkened the door of a church even know the song. Most people know the tune and many of the words. It’s one of those hymns that if the lights went out we could probably finish it.