Devotions: From Mourning to Mission
Day 1: The Empty Tomb and the Unexpected Victory
Bible Reading: John 20:1-10
Today, we reflect on the empty tomb's significance, a powerful symbol of Jesus' victory over death. Mary Magdalene and the disciples' disbelief and confusion when they found the tomb empty echoes our own struggles with faith in the face of the unexpected.
Devotional: As we read about the disciples' early morning discovery, let's consider the times when God has surprised us with hope amidst despair. How does the reality of the resurrection shape your understanding of God's power and promise in your life?

Devotions: Your King Is Coming
Day 1: Prophecy and Expectation
Bible Reading: Zechariah 9:9; John 12:12-16
Today, we reflect on the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy through the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. As you read Zechariah's prophecy, consider how it speaks of a king who brings peace, not war. Then, in John's account, witness how Jesus' entrance on a donkey contrasts sharply with the crowd's expectations of a political liberator. Reflect on areas where your expectations of God might not align with His plans. Are there ways in which you might expect God to act according to your desires rather than submit to His will? Spend time in prayer, asking God to align your heart with His purposes.

Palm Sunday 2024: Your King Is Coming
While parades aren't quite the big deal that they maybe were in the past, parades are still a significant thing, aren't they? They are quite a spectacle. You arrive early, you wait for it to start and you just make conversation with the people. You just happen to be around and there is a sense of anticipation that the parade is about to start. But it's different because it doesn't have the excitement of a tip-off of a basketball game or the kick-off of a football game, for example. Instead of cheering in anticipation or waiting for something like that to start, instead, a parade normally starts with reverence and respect because the flags come and you stand in your quiet as the flag comes by. But then you have that moment where the flag has passed by and you're not sure how long you're supposed to stand in reverence, but, pretty quick, the people around you sit as well, and then the spectacle of sight and sound begins. There's marching bands, there's people throwing out candy, there's politicians making their way around to shake as many hands and kiss as many babies as they possibly can, and then you see old tractors and new tractors, a variety of floats, people waving at you.

April 17 Sermon: Death Vanquished
It is in joy and in hope that we gather this morning. While every Lord’s Day is to be a celebration of the resurrection hope that we have in the Lord Jesus there is something about the celebration of Easter that brings out in us the joy of the hope we have in Christ. There are many reasons for this, I am sure. Some years when we celebrate Easter, not this one most certainly, we have the feeling of new life that comes from the bright colors of spring beginning to burst forth. Maybe it is the fact that we are finally making our way out into the world after a feeling of being in hibernation during the winter months. As I was contemplating this idea, I decided to review the different accounts of the resurrection in the gospels but when I started doing this, I realized that the key to understanding the joy and hope we find goes further back into the story.

August 12 Sermon: All That the Father Gives
Recently I saw a dramatic presentation that was designed to convict the viewer of their sin and to help people see that their daily decisions often contradicted what they said they believed. It was effective in what it was trying to accomplish but the way that it ended concerned me. It leaves the viewer hanging with the idea that because of their sin somehow their status between God and Satan is somehow hanging in the balance. This was effective for convicting us of our sin but yet left us wondering whose we really are. If I choose to sin am I proving I’m really aligned with the devil? Is my salvation hanging in the balance because of the sin I commit every day?

January 17 Sermon: And His Disciples Believed in Him
The grace of God is amazing. It is vast and rich but it is also surprising. The way that God shows us grace is not really what we expect. We haven't earned it. It isn't what we deserve and yet God shows up and does something new in us. In both our Old and New Testament lessons this morning we see God’s mercy and love shown to us and we see how Jesus works to bring us new life.