June 12 Sermon: Joseph's Generosity
A common cliche is that you will catch far more flies with honey that you will with vinegar. Now, I’ve never put this statement to a literal test. Perhaps if I had a little more free time this past week I would have gotten things together to have a little experiment of this statement. We know it is likely true without testing it but we know that the point of this cliche isn’t actually whether honey would catch more flies than vinegar. Our grandmothers or some other wise individual that transmitted this information to us were wanting us to understand that if we are kind and loving people are more likely to be drawn to us than if we talk to people harshly and treat them poorly.

June 5 Sermon: Joseph's Deception
The conscience is an interesting thing. Sometimes it is a mere whisper in your mind and at other moments it is voice that rings through over all the other noise in your head. It is that voice that we try to silence but it can’t be avoided or ignored. It is something that we can’t quantify or maybe even explain but we know it exists because we have all felt the pangs that it creates within in us. One thing that is amazing about our conscience is that often it causes us to remember things that we have done in the past and we feel this unbelievable sense of guilt.

May 29 Sermon: Joseph's Rise
We often see people who make waves and from our perspective it seems as though their rise is quick and out of nowhere. As a baseball fan I usually think about the player who makes it to the major leagues and you’ve never heard their name before in your life and suddenly they are getting on base and knocking in runs at the most opportune time for your favorite team. Suddenly this person whose name you might not even have been able to pronounce three weeks ago is the talk of the team’s fandom. It seems as though its about luck or just pure God given talent from our perspective but the truth is this person’s rise to being famous had a lot to do with paying their dues and putting in the work.

May 22 Sermon: More Than a Dream
I can honestly say that in my many years of doing youth ministry I only ever forgot a student one time. Now, you are probably thinking that doesn’t seem like much of a stat to brag about but let me explain the story. We had been painting our youth room and the kids had been working hard and we were approaching noon and so I decided to buy the students dinner. Now, don’t think too much of my generosity here, it was back when McDonald’s had McChicken’s and Double Cheeseburgers on the actual dollar menu. This was so long ago that it was before there were one dollar, two dollar, and three dollar tiers.

May 15 Sermon: Joseph the Interpreter
It wouldn’t take too much thinking for us to come up with stories in the Bible where the people in the stories are facing the worst of circumstances and then we find out that this is the means by which God has decided to accomplish his purposes. I’m sure you have some that have come to mind but we aren’t exactly the blurt out answers kind of church so I’ll save you the awkwardness of that and float a few that have likely come to mind for you.

May 8 Sermon: The Trials of Joseph
There are some character traits that you just know when you see it. When someone acts with integrity you don’t sit there and wonder if it was a good thing or not. When someone acts with virtue we are able to identify it without question. The same applies to behavior that we would consider to be vile. When we see someone doing something that we consider to immoral or even distasteful we don’t have to run it through a filter to determine how we feel about it, do we? We know it when we see it.

May 1 Sermon: Family Shame
Did you come here this morning expecting an Old Testament reading like that one? We have probably all come to passages in the Bible that are strange and, for lack of a better description, awkward and maybe even a little distasteful. Without too much thinking we can think of a few other stories just in the book of Genesis. We have Noah getting drunk and cursing his son for looking upon his nakedness. There is Abraham not trusting the promise of God and having a child with his wife’s handmaiden and then Sarah banishing them. Then you have the sons of Jacob convincing a whole group of men to be circumcised and they get vengeance for the rape of their sister by killing them while they are sick after the ritual is performed.

April 24 Sermon: The Peril of Joseph
We have all seen instances where siblings aren’t necessarily so nice to each other. It is a normal thing. I enjoy leading people on when they don’t know about my life. I will let on that I have a sister and I’ll add that I don’t ever remember having a fight with her when I was a kid. People will look at me in disbelief. Often they will tell me that I’m lying to them. I insist that I’m absolutely telling truth. I leave them on the hook a little for fun and then I let them know that we are 15 and a half years apart and I honestly really don’t remember her living at home other than coming home from college. But, as I’ve mentioned in the past, it is something that I have observed as a child through my friends and quite honestly I was very happy that I didn’t have to go through that. As much as you want a sibling for great things like playing catch or other enjoyable activities I never once envied my friends having siblings close to their age when they were torturing them.

April 3 Sermon: The Dreamer
I am not the type of person who usually remembers his dreams. I know that I dream. If I wear my watch when I sleep it gives a report of how well I slept and it confirms that I had multiple extended periods of REM sleep during the night. While I don’t remember the dreams I wake up knowing that there were periods during my sleep where I remember seeing images but I very, very rarely remember any details of my dreams. Even when I have the ability to recall what I dreamt it is usually just vague recollections. Maybe you are like me and don’t remember many details when you wake from your slumber or perhaps you are like some other people that I know who can tell you significant details about their dreams. I might remember the general theme of what was occurring in my dream but some people can describe the entire scene of what was going on around you down to small and insignificant details.

September 19 Sermon: The Continuing Promise
Life is filled with blessings but life is also filled with many struggles. In our lives we know that we will come in contact with suffering because we live in a fallen, sin cursed world. As happy as you are in any given moment and as sure as you are of God’s blessings we know that life can be difficult. Sickness and disease could be around the corner. An accident could happen and tragedy could bring us feelings of loss and pain that we would find difficult to bear. There are ways in which to respond to these things. I’m guessing that you know people who have encountered these kinds of hardships and it has caused them to turn their back on God.

August 29 Sermon: Wrestling with God
In the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, there is a scene where Mr. and Mrs. Beaver are telling the children who have found their way into the magical world of Narnia about the great lion, Aslan. The children are surprised to hear that the one that the hopeful talking beasts of Narnia are expecting to deliver them, is a lion. And so the question they ask the beavers is whether or not Aslan is safe. Mr. Beaver replies to the children “Of course, he’s not safe, but he is good.” I didn’t notice this line as a child reading the books but when I went back to them as an adult it has stuck with me. It shows how small my understanding of God often is. My natural desire is not to have God be safe but should I view the Lord of heaven and earth, the sovereign of all of creation, and the one who is so powerful that he spoke everything that is into existence as safe.

August 22 Sermon: Fear or Peace?
Chances are you have used the cliche stuck between a rock and a hard place. We’ve all been in a place where there no good options to go forward with. You have to labor between 2 or 3 or maybe 10 different options and you find that none of them are great. You have to pick the option with the smallest opportunity of negative consequences. When we are in those kinds of situations, isn’t it nice when something comes along that sort of provides direction? Even if you are decisive person these situations can give you pause on how to move forward. Sometimes you just have to put your head down and go and hope for the best. These aren’t exactly the greatest situations but often you can look back on them and see that you grew through those circumstances. It stretched you a little and in the best of circumstances God used what you were experiencing to help you to trust less in yourself and more in his providential provision for you.

July 25 Sermon: But a Few Days
Some of the most iconic stories in history are love stories. They grab our attention. They tug at our heartstrings. Now, not everyone likes love stories, or it would probably be more correct to say that not everyone likes to admit that they like love stories. Even if we aren’t a fan of the genre we are bound to be drawn in to a story that has a man and woman falling in love because it is such a huge part of the human experience. I think the love stories that appeal to us the most are the ones where there is an obstacle to the couple getting together and then the man makes a huge sacrifice to break down the barrier that is keeping them from having a relationship. We just love to see that level of commitment and sacrifice.

May 30 Sermon: Gathered to His People
From the time I was a child one of my favorite movies has been The Empire Strikes Back. This middle film in the original Star Wars trilogy is unique in that it’s plot line really leads to the bad guys winning the film. It starts with the good guys running for their lives from the attacks of the oppressive Empire’s army. Our favorite heroes are chased all over the galaxy and captured. The new hope we met in the first film is being trained by Jedi master Yoda but he leaves without completing the training to attempt to rescue his friends. And the conclusion of the movie leaves us hanging wondering if it is really true that the hero is the son of the most evil man in the galaxy. How many movies do you know of where the bad guys win? I won’t give you too much time to mentally answer that question because there aren’t too many. In fact, you might not be able to think of any other than the one I have just described.

A Cave in Machpelah: Genesis 23:1-20 | A Deposit on the Promised Land
How do we grieve with hope? Abraham’s response to Sarah’s death is not only a picture of sorrow but also of faith. He secures a burial site in Canaan, trusting in God’s promise that his descendants will inherit the land. This passage reminds us that our hope is not in this world but in the eternal inheritance secured for us in Christ.
As Abraham looked forward to the fulfillment of God's covenant, we too live as sojourners, trusting in the resurrection and the new heavens and new earth. This passage teaches us to grieve with hope, to trust in God’s promises even when they seem distant, and to live with integrity in all we do.

November 15 Sermon: A Shameful Thing
With the holidays coming up it causes us to think about family doesn’t it. We go back to memories of gatherings when we were younger. While we tend to focus on the good memories it is likely that these get together’s exposed some of the issues in our families. You put a bunch of people in a confined space and mix in variables such as lost sleep or discussions on politics or religion and you had the potential for some fireworks.
While I’ve been stuck at home for the last week I have been re-watching one of my favorite sitcoms: The Middle. If you are not familiar with the show it is a lower middle class family in the middle of the United States and each episode we were invited into the lives of a regular family of five trying to make ends meet.

November 1 Sermon: Divine Rescue
There have been a lot of themes that have developed for us as we have been in the book of Genesis. We are familiar with the stories but if we weren’t there are narratives that would have us on the edge of our seat. Creation followed by rebellion against a holy God but even though they deserved punishment, God showed mercy. We see the first offspring of this couple who should be the one who will be in the line to the promised messiah but instead of being holy he murders his own brother. We see an unrighteous world and the people of the promise are being polluted by sin and so God is going to destroy the world but he keeps one of the promised ones safe from the waters of the flood. We’ve even seen recently how Abraham was in some sticky circumstances usually because of his own sin but still God rescues. It is what he does.

October 4 Sermon: The Intercession of Abraham
In an episode of my favorite sitcom the main character purchases a large television for himself. His logic is that the size of your TV should match your age so he wanted to have one that would last him for a few years. This purchase tapped out his bank account quite a bit so he has to start telling his closest friend, who has a tendency to mooch from him, that he can’t lend him any money. He also doesn’t want to tell this friend that he has a large TV because he doesn’t want to have him stopping over at all hours to watch TV with him.
As is customary with television comedies this leads to confusion and the friends starts to tell others in their small community that his friend is poor.

September 27 Sermon: Child of the Promise
There are things that happen in the course of our lives that we would define as unbelievable. Whether it is running into someone you haven’t seen in 20 years at a place that is hundreds of miles from where either of you live or hitting that hole in one on the par 3 at your favorite golf course we all have had those things that just seem to be impossible and yet they happen. If you expand beyond your own experiences and even the sphere of friends and family to what we can see on the news or posted somewhere on social media we see even more things that are unbelievable. Whether it is someone working meticulously to finally make a trick shot or someone performing a stunt or magic trick on one of the many televised talents shows we have probably uttered the phrase “that’s unbelievable” many times. In fact, with the barrage of media that can come at us at any time in our modern time, I’m betting you might have said “that’s unbelievable” in just the past few days.

August 23 Sermon: Deliverance
We’ve all been in a position where we have to make an important decision. We weigh the options in our heads and try to do what we think is best. Inherently, we end up making decisions that are selfish. We usually look for what brings us the most happiness or what we think will benefit us the most. In most cases, there might not be anything wrong with that approach but there are times when making an important decision with our eyes on looking out for ourselves and what selfishly desire can create serious problems. I’m sure we have all been in a place where we were given and option and even though we didn’t want to come across as selfish we jumped at the opportunity anyway.