The Salvation of Our God: Isaiah 52:7-10 | The Gospel That Changes Everything
Mark Groen Mark Groen

The Salvation of Our God: Isaiah 52:7-10 | The Gospel That Changes Everything

What comes to mind when you think of Christmas? Perhaps it’s memories of family gatherings, the sparkle of decorations, or the stillness of a holy night. But what about the profound beauty of the gospel message at the heart of Christmas? In this sermon, "Beautiful Feet: Proclaiming the Good News"” Pastor Mark delves into Isaiah 52:7-10 to explore the hope, rejoicing, and salvation Christ’s incarnation brings to the world. This message uncovers the depth of God’s faithfulness and power, highlighting how the good news of Jesus Christ transforms despair into comfort and redemption. From the humble manger in Bethlehem to the ultimate victory over sin and death, we celebrate the glorious salvation made known to the ends of the earth.

📖Scripture Reference :Isaiah 52:7-10

✝️Sermon Points:

📌The Beauty of the Message – The good news of salvation brings hope and peace.

📌The Rejoicing of God’s People – The news of God’s reign calls for praise and celebration.

📌The Power of Salvation – God’s holy arm secures redemption through the humility and suffering of Christ.

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Mark Groen Mark Groen


Jesus does not change and neither does his gospel. That message of the incarnation of God the Son does not get old and it does not wear out. Strengthened by the Word and Holy Spirit may we faithfully proclaim that good news of God's saving work in Jesus Christ that does not change.

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December 17 Evening Meditation: On Them Has Light Shone
Mark Groen Mark Groen

December 17 Evening Meditation: On Them Has Light Shone

As we planned the service for this evening. There were a lot of factors that we considered over the time and the conversations about what we were gonna do this evening actually started more than a year ago. We knew that we wanted to do something with candlelight, some sort of candlelight service. What we would do with the service we weren't sure about. We had some ideas. Should we have the children sing at the service? Do we have the choir sing? What kind of candles do we want to have? Probably the smartest thing we did was we decided to order the candles in February so we wouldn't be competing with other people with them for October and November.

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