Marked By Grace: Day 25

Faith That Sees and the Journey to Follow Jesus

Scripture: Mark 10:46-52


The story of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, highlights the transformative power of faith and Jesus’ responsiveness to those who call out to Him. Despite being rebuked by the crowd, Bartimaeus' persistent cries for mercy demonstrate his unwavering faith in Jesus' ability to heal. Jesus' question, “What do you want me to do for you?” and Bartimaeus' response indicate a personal, direct encounter with Jesus that leads to physical and possibly spiritual sight. His immediate following of Jesus on the way reflects a life change and a new path of discipleship.

Questions for Contemplation:

1. Persistent Faith: How does Bartimaeus’ persistence in seeking Jesus inspire your prayer life and pursuit of Jesus?

2. Personal Encounter with Jesus: What does Jesus’ attention to Bartimaeus teach you about how He responds to individual needs and desires?

3. Following Jesus: How does the story of Bartimaeus challenge you to follow Jesus more closely in your own life?

Prayer Focus:

Pray for a faith that persistently seeks Jesus, especially in times of need. Ask for the grace to have personal encounters with Jesus that transform your life and perspective. Seek guidance and determination to follow Jesus more closely, embracing the path of discipleship with renewed vision and commitment.


Marked By Grace: Day 26


Marked By Grace: Day 24