Marked By Grace: Day 22

Marriage, Divorce, and Receiving the Kingdom Like a Child

Scripture: Mark 10:1-16


This passage begins with Jesus teaching on marriage and divorce, a response to the Pharisees’ testing question. Jesus emphasizes the sanctity of marriage, referring to the creation narrative to underscore God's original intent for marital union. The discussion on divorce highlights Jesus' commitment to the permanence of marriage and the seriousness of covenant relationships. The subsequent scene of Jesus blessing the children illustrates the value Jesus places on childlike faith and humility. These teachings challenge us to uphold marriage's sanctity and approach God's Kingdom with a childlike, humble heart.

Questions for Contemplation:

1. God’s Design for Marriage: How does Jesus’ reference to the creation narrative shape your understanding of marriage and its sacred nature?

2. The Seriousness of Divorce: How does Jesus’ teaching on divorce challenge contemporary attitudes towards marriage and divorce?

3. Childlike Faith: What characteristics of children can we emulate to enter the Kingdom of God as Jesus instructs?

Prayer Focus:

Pray for a more profound respect for marriage's sanctity, wisdom, and strength to uphold its commitments. Ask for a heart that embraces God's Kingdom with humility and trust, like a child's. Seek guidance in cultivating and maintaining a pure, humble, and faithful approach to your relationship with God.


Marked By Grace: Day 23


Marked By Grace: Day 21