Marked By Grace: Day 13

Faith in Desperation and Faith in Silence

Scripture: Mark 5:21-43


This passage intertwines the stories of Jairus, a synagogue ruler, and a woman suffering from a bleeding disorder. Both exhibit profound faith in desperate situations. Jairus, a man of status, humbles himself before Jesus, pleading for his daughter's life. The woman, in contrast, approaches Jesus in silence, believing that merely touching His garment will heal her. Jesus responds to faith in action and silence, highlighting His accessibility to all, regardless of social standing. The woman's healing and raising of Jairus's daughter demonstrate Jesus' power over illness and death and His compassion.

Questions for Contemplation:

1. Diverse Expressions of Faith: How do the differing approaches of Jairus and the woman seeking Jesus help reflect how we can express our faith?

2. Jesus' Response to Faith: What does Jesus’ response to both individuals teach us about how He views our faith and needs?

3. Overcoming Fear with Faith: How does Jesus’ statement, “Do not fear, only believe,” apply to your current life situations?

Prayer Focus:

Pray for the ability to express your faith in both action and silence, trusting in Jesus’ power and compassion. Ask for strength to overcome fear with faith, especially in challenging situations. Seek a deeper understanding of Jesus' willingness to respond to all who approach Him in faith, regardless of their circumstances.


Marked By Grace: Day 14


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