Marked By Grace: Day 27

Righteous Anger and Forgiveness

Scripture: Mark 11:15-26


This passage showcases two significant aspects of Jesus' ministry: His righteous anger against the misuse of the temple and His teaching on the power of faith and forgiveness. Jesus' cleansing of the temple is a powerful statement against the corruption and commercialization of religious practices. It prompts us to consider how we maintain the sanctity of our worship and faith practices. The latter part of the passage emphasizes the importance of faith in God and the necessity of forgiveness. Jesus links forgiving others with receiving forgiveness from God, highlighting the interconnectedness of our relationship with God and others.

Questions for Contemplation:

1. Righteous Anger: How does Jesus’ cleansing of the temple challenge us to consider the purity and purpose of our places and acts of worship?

2. Faith in Prayer: What does Jesus teach about the role of faith in prayer, especially in believing that what we ask for will be granted?

3. Forgiveness: Why does Jesus emphasize forgiveness in our prayers? How can harboring unforgiveness impact our spiritual lives and relationship with God?

Prayer Focus:

Pray for discernment to recognize and challenge practices that may dishonor God in your life. Ask for a strong faith that deeply trusts God's power and provision. Seek a forgiving heart, willing to release any bitterness or resentment as a reflection of the grace received through Christ.


Marked By Grace: Day 28


Devotions: Return to Your First Love