Devotions: The Lord Reigns

Day 1: The Righteous Judge

Scripture Reading: Romans 2:5-11

Reflection: Today's passage reminds us of God's impartial judgment. He rewards each one according to their deeds, showing no favoritism. Reflect on how this understanding of God as a just judge influences how we live our lives. We strive to act righteously in His sight, knowing that He judges fairly and righteously.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your justice and fairness. Help me to trust in Your judgment and live a life that seeks Your righteousness, knowing that You will reward each according to their works. Amen.

Day 2: Refuge for the Oppressed

Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 22:1-3

Reflection: David's song of deliverance in 2 Samuel highlights God as a rock, fortress, and deliverer. Reflect on the times when God has been your refuge against the storms of life. How does knowing God as your protector shape your response to life's challenges?

Prayer: Lord, thank You for being my rock and fortress. In times of trouble, remind me to always turn to You first. Strengthen my faith that I may always find safety and peace in Your presence. Amen.

Day 3: Remembering God's Works

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 63:7-9

Reflection: Isaiah recalls the steadfast love and mercies of the Lord towards the children of Israel. Reflect on the deeds of God in your own life. How does actively remembering God's past faithfulness encourage you today?

Prayer: Gracious God, help me to remember Your past mercies and loving deeds. May these memories strengthen my faith and encourage me, knowing You are always with me during tough times. Amen.

Day 4: God's Sovereignty and Salvation

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:19-23

Reflection: Paul speaks about the immeasurable greatness of God's power and sovereignty. As we reflect on God’s supreme rule over all creation, consider how this truth affects your understanding of God’s ability to act in your life today.

Prayer: Almighty God, I am in awe of Your power and sovereignty. Help me to live in the reality of Your control and plan for my life, trusting that You work all things for good. Amen.

Day 5: Trusting in God’s Name

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 18:10

Reflection: The name of the Lord is described as a strong tower where the righteous run and are safe. Reflect on the significance of God’s name and character in your life. How does trusting in His name provide you with security and peace?

Prayer: Lord, Your name is a strong tower, and I run to it today. Grant me the peace and security that comes from knowing You are my protector and provider. Teach me to trust You more each day. Amen.


Dwell in the Word: Psalm 14


May 26 Sermon: The Lord Reigns