Devotions: From Suffering to Salvation

Day 1: The Depths of Despair

Scripture Reading: Psalm 22:1-5
Reflection: David’s cry, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” echoes the anguish we sometimes feel in our darkest moments. Yet, even in his despair, David remembers God’s past faithfulness. When we feel abandoned, we too can look back on God’s faithfulness in our lives and trust that He is near.
Prayer: Lord, when I feel forsaken, help me to remember Your faithfulness and trust in Your presence.

Day 2: The Suffering of Christ

Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:45-50
Reflection: Jesus’ use of Psalm 22:1 on the cross connects His suffering to David’s lament. As we reflect on Christ’s suffering for our sins, we realize that He fully understands our pain and is with us in our suffering. His agony was not in vain, but for our salvation.
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for enduring the cross for my sake. Help me to find comfort in Your suffering when I face trials.

Day 3: Trust in God’s Faithfulness

Scripture Reading: Psalm 22:22-24; Psalm 46:1-3
Reflection: David’s confidence in God’s deliverance, even in the midst of suffering, inspires us to trust in God’s covenant faithfulness. Like David, we can proclaim God’s goodness and stand in awe of His power, knowing that He is our refuge and strength in times of trouble.
Prayer: Father, strengthen my trust in Your faithfulness, and help me to proclaim Your goodness even in difficult times.

Day 4: The Global Impact of the Gospel

Scripture Reading: Psalm 22:27-31; Revelation 7:9-10
Reflection: Psalm 22 points to a future where all nations will worship the Lord. This global vision is fulfilled in Christ, whose gospel reaches to the ends of the earth. As part of this worldwide mission, we are called to share the hope of salvation with others.
Prayer: Lord, use me to spread the message of Your salvation to all people, and may Your name be glorified among the nations.

Day 5: Victory in Christ

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:31-39
Reflection: The conclusion of Psalm 22 and Paul’s words in Romans 8 remind us that, through Christ, we are more than conquerors. Despite any suffering or hardship we may face, nothing can separate us from the love of God. Our victory is secured in Christ’s death and resurrection.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the victory I have in Christ. Help me to live confidently in Your love, knowing that nothing can separate me from You.


September 8 Sermon: The Final Word


September 1 Sermon: From Suffering to Salvation