Devotions: Awaken to Righteousness

Day 1: Integrity Tested

Scripture Reading: Job 1:8-12

Reflection: Like David's, Job’s integrity was tested through extreme hardships. Reflect on how integrity shapes your responses to challenges in your life.

Prayer: Lord, help me to hold fast to righteousness when trials come, trusting that You see and value my faithfulness even when others do not.

Day 2: The Refuge of Prayer

Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:6-7

Reflection: Prayer is our direct line to God's peace that surpasses understanding. Consider how turning to prayer first in difficulties can change your outlook and responses.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, remind me to come to You first in prayer during my troubles, seeking Your peace and protection.

Day 3: God’s Faithfulness

Scripture Reading: Lamentations 3:22-24

Reflection: God's steadfast love never ceases. His faithfulness is great. Reflect on how trusting in God's faithfulness can sustain you through trials.

Prayer: Faithful God, thank you for Your unending love and mercy. Help me to see Your faithfulness in every circumstance of my life.

Day 4: Perspective on Eternal Hope

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Reflection: Our light and momentary troubles pail in comparison to eternal glory. How does focusing on the eternal change how you handle present difficulties?

Prayer: Lord, grant me the strength to focus not on what is seen but on what is unseen—Your eternal promises.

Day 5: Living Out Our Faith

Scripture Reading: James 1:12-15

Reflection: Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial. Reflect on how you can live out your faith in daily actions, especially during hardships.

Prayer: Almighty God, give me the perseverance to maintain my integrity and faithfulness in all trials, trusting in Your ultimate rescue and reward.


July 28 Sermon: Strength for the Battle


July 21 Sermon: Awaken to Righteousness