Edgerton First Reformed

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October 6, 2024 Bulletin Announcement


Note:  Pastor Mark will be on his scheduled sabbatical for the month of October. During this time, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of our elders for assistance. We look forward to welcoming him back, refreshed and renewed.  - The Elders 

Nomination Ballots are in your mailboxes. They need to be turned in by October 27.  If you lose or misplace your ballot, there are extras on the table in the narthex.

Sunday Reformation Breakfast: Our Fusion (Jr. High) Students are hosting a Reformation Breakfast Fundraiser on Sunday, October 27 following worship. We will be serving pancakes, sausages, milk & juice. Free-will donations will go towards their RYM trip to Texas in August. 

Profession of Faith:  Ready to Take the Next Step in Your Faith Journey? Calling all students who feel called to make their Profession of Faith! Join us for a special series of classes designed to deepen your understanding and commitment to Christ. We'll meet after worship on November 3, 10, 17, 24, and December 8, with our final class on December 15 at the parsonage—where we'll watch the thought-provoking movie Spirit and Truth.  This is your chance to explore what it means to stand boldly in your faith and proclaim your trust in Jesus before the church. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and prepare for this significant milestone in your walk with the Lord.

Thank you to the Reformed Women for the beautiful flowers for our anniversary. Reg & Pat Fey