Edgerton First Reformed

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Devotions: That They May See the Light

Throughout the week, pray that God would help you to shine His light in your daily life, in your relationships, and in your actions. As you reflect on the sermon and your daily readings, ask God to reveal areas in your life that need His illuminating light and to guide you in paths of righteousness.

Day 1:

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:14-16

Devotional: Begin this week reflecting on the power of light, both physical and spiritual. Today's reading calls us to be the "light of the world". Consider how Jesus uses the metaphor of light to describe the influential role His followers should have in the world. How can you allow your life to shine brightly for Christ? Reflect on areas of your life that need to be illuminated by God's truth and love.

Day 2:

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:105

Devotional: The Psalmist compares God's word to a lamp and a light. This highlights the illuminating power of Scripture in guiding our life choices and shaping our character. Reflect on the sermon and think about the importance of Scripture as a source of light in your life. How has God's Word guided you through dark times? Consider the areas in your life where you need His Word to guide you now.

Day 3:

Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:8-14

Devotional: As believers, we are called to live as children of light, reflecting God's love and truth in a world filled with darkness. The passage emphasizes the contrast between a life lived in light (righteousness) versus a life lived in darkness (sin). Reflect on how God's light has transformed your life and how you can reflect that light to others.

Day 4:

Bible Reading: John 8:12

Devotional: Jesus declared Himself as the "light of the world". This emphasizes His divine nature and His role as the source of spiritual illumination. Reflect on the role of Jesus as the light in your life. How has His light transformed your perspective and understanding of your purpose in this world? How can you follow His light more faithfully?

Day 5:

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:9

Devotional: In today's reading, we are reminded of our identity as chosen people, called out of darkness into God's marvelous light. This emphasizes the transformation and purpose God has bestowed upon us. Reflect on your journey from darkness to light. How has this transition affected your life? Consider ways you can share the light of Christ with others.