Edgerton First Reformed

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Devotions: From Questioning to Trusting

Day 1: The Reality of Evil and Suffering

Scripture Reading: Job 1:13-22

Reflection: Job’s response to overwhelming tragedy is a profound example of trust in God’s sovereignty, even when life seems chaotic and unjust. Like Psalm 10, Job’s story challenges us to acknowledge the reality of evil and suffering while holding fast to the belief that God remains just and good despite our circumstances.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, in the face of suffering and loss, help me to trust in Your sovereign care. Teach me to respond with faith, knowing that You are just and all-knowing, even when I do not understand the reasons for my trials. Amen.

Day 2: A Cry for Divine Justice

Scripture Reading: Amos 5:21-24

Reflection: Amos’s call for justice echoes the psalmist’s plea in Psalm 10. It reminds us that our desire for divine justice should align with active efforts to promote righteousness in our own communities. We are urged to pray for justice and participate in its realization.

Prayer: Lord God, ignite a passion for justice that mirrors Your own in me. Help me not only to pray for the downfall of wickedness but to act in ways that uphold Your justice and truth. May my life reflect Your love and righteousness. Amen.

Day 3: The Assurance of God’s Sovereignty

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:28-39

Reflection: Romans 8 reinforces the message of Psalm 10, reminding us of God’s kingdom's ultimate victory. This passage offers profound comfort, affirming that God’s purposes are being worked out in even the most difficult situations, and His love remains steadfast.

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for the assurance that nothing can separate me from Your love. In times of doubt and fear, remind me of Your sovereign power and eternal presence. Help me live each day in the security of Your grace. Amen.

Day 4: God’s View on the Oppressed

Scripture Reading: Psalm 146:5-9

Reflection: Psalm 146 powerfully reminds us of God’s concern for the marginalized, echoing the themes of Psalm 10. As believers, we are called to reflect God’s heart by caring for those who are often overlooked or oppressed in society.

Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to the needs of the oppressed and vulnerable around me. Help me be an extension of Your love and justice, showing compassion and taking action where needed. Amen.

Day 5: The Hope of Divine Intervention

Scripture Reading: Revelation 21:1-4

Reflection: Revelation 21 offers us a glimpse of the ultimate fulfillment of God’s justice and the restoration of all things. It’s a comforting promise that the trials and injustices of this world are temporary and God’s perfect kingdom will prevail.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the hope of Your coming kingdom where all wrongs will be righted, and pain will be no more. Keep this hope alive in my heart, and use it to fuel my faith and actions as I live in anticipation of Your new creation. Amen.