Edgerton First Reformed

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Devotions: Folly’s Echo, Wisdom’s Call

Day 1: Understanding Our Depravity

Scripture Reading: Romans 3:9-12

Reflection: Romans reiterates the theme of universal sinfulness, a concept explored in Psalm 14. Reflect on how acknowledging our sinfulness without despairing is possible only through understanding Christ's work on the cross.

Prayer: Lord, help me see my sin clearly but through the lens of Your mercy and grace. Grant me the humility to confess and the courage to change.

Day 2: The Righteous vs. The Ungodly

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:13-16

Reflection: Jesus calls His followers to be the light of the world, reflecting God’s character. Consider how this calling sets believers apart from the world and how you can shine brighter in your daily interactions.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, empower me to be a light in the darkness this day. May my actions reflect Your love and truth.

Day 3: The Fool Says in His Heart

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 12:15

Reflection: The wisdom of the wise leads to life, whereas folly leads to destruction. Reflect on areas where you might act foolishly, ignoring God's guidance.

Prayer: Lord, grant me wisdom to recognize where I am relying on my own understanding instead of Your perfect wisdom. Help me to trust in You fully.

Day 4: God's Protection of the Righteous

Scripture Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Reflection: God’s faithfulness is a shield that protects us. Reflect on times when you have experienced God’s protection and how acknowledging this can change your perspective on current challenges.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for Your protection and care. Help me to trust in Your defense and not fear, knowing You are with me.

Day 5: The Promise of Deliverance

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:31-39

Reflection: Paul reassures us that nothing can separate us from God’s love, emphasizing our deliverance and victory through Christ. Reflect on this promise and its implications for living out your faith, especially during trials.

Prayer: Almighty God, thank You for the assurance that no power in this world can separate me from Your love. Help me live today in the confidence of Your ultimate victory over sin and death.